Chapter 7 (ept): Megtwillow preparations

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      Liana sat facing her mother across the table laid with the fresh fruits that they always ate on summer mornings. She wanted to say something to Trentaya about the strange new dream, but her mother seemed troubled. Trentaya chatted merrily about the flying that she had enjoyed the night before, but then, as she described reaching the highest point that wrist-flyers could manage, her eyes seemed to freeze. Was it worry? Danger? Liana felt it would be wrong to speak about her own dream. To give Trentaya another reason to worry. And anyway, it was just a dream, wasn't it? Dreams. Why do we have them? They don't mean anything.

'Do you remember Ralkino?' Trentaya asked, suddenly. So this was what she was thinking about, Liana thought. Was that why Trentaya flew so much? Did she hope to be able to find Ralkino? Maybe on the other side of the mountain?

'Of course I remember him,' Liana said. 

'What do you remember of him?' Trentaya asked, now smiling.

'I remember seeing him tell the story about the girl who climbed. Linda.' Liana didn't say that she had dreamed about that only a few nights before.

'Good,' Trentaya said. 'You will see him again, I am sure.' Her tone changed as she pulled her mind away from memories, and into daily tasks. 'I will go to the making-place today, to see what help is needed. And then, if there is time, I may take a flight to look for herelina. What will you do?'

'I'll think about Megtwillow.'

'Good. I'll see you later,' Trentaya said. She kissed her daughter, and hugged her hard, then left.

Liana watched her go. She thought about that thing. The thing that had appeared in her sleeping mind. It wasn't like anything she had seen anywhere. It was something she had imagined, but surely her imagination should give her some sort of warning before it created a thing like that.

But now she had to set her mind to Megtwillow.

Megtwillow always began at that time of year when the sun was highest in the sky, and the shadows of the mountains were shortest. At Megtwillow, new members of the Counsel of the Wise were appointed, and important decisions were made: which crops should be grown in the coming year; which ideas should be studied; what sort of music and dance should there be at events; which buildings needed repair; which new places should be built; and which areas of the people's story should be written down in the timebook. Of course, people could change their minds about any of this during the rest of the year, but this gave the people of Seren-ila a plan to guide them. All of these decisions were written in a big, heavy book, The Book of Purposes. Alongside The Book of Purposes sat The Great Story, which told the whole history of Seren-ila, as well as what was known of what happened in the world before Seren-ila came into existence.

Liana had always looked forward to Megtwillow. The ceremonies, the music, the showings. But this year it was different. Because this year, it was her turn to show.

At Megtwillow, young people like Liana and her friends had to show something to the Great Assembly. It might be a painting, a dance, a story or some sort of new idea. And on the basis of that showing it was decided whether it was time for the young people to become full members of Seren-ila, to gain their 'Serenship', along with the right to be part of making decisions, and maybe one day become a member of the Counsel of the Wise.

Up until a few days ago, Liana had nothing to show. But now she and Herago were going to work on a joint showing. This was unusual, but not unknown. It had been agreed with Piacho, after some persuasion, and a demonstration of Herago's strange skill with three little stones and three small cups. Piacho had watched fascinated as the stones seemed to move invisibly from one cup to another, finally all appearing under the middle cup, which had been empty just moments before. Liana had worried that Piacho would want Herago to explain exactly how this 'Impossible' worked, which was something Herago insisted must not be revealed. But Piacho just smiled, and said 'Ha! That's something new! What will people think?'. Liana wasn't sure that this was exactly a ringing endorsement, but at least he hadn't said no. And at last, she had something she really wanted to do.

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