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3 months Later......

It was around 5:00pm

Everyone was chilling while being happy, and The vibes were great. Jungkook and Niya began to get closer then ever, and They both love each other with all their hearts. Even though they fight like two big ass men, They love each other to the core. It was getting dark and everyone was calm and moving around, The maids was cleaning and Niya decided to help one of them. "Let me help you with that" Niya said as she took two bags out of the maids hand and helped her to the garbage.

Jungkook: Babe what are you doing?

Niya: I'm helping her take out the garbage.

Jungkook: She's a maid, that's her job . She cleans while we relax.

Niya: Babe she has four fucking bags, i don't care what you say. I'm gonna help this lady with these dam bags. Now move out my way babe!

Jungkook: Stop talking to me crazy, matter fact keep talking like that because the more you talk crazy, The more i get to tap that ass hard.

As Niya walked off to take the garbage out, while Jungkook goes to use the bathroom.

Jungkook: Babe, Come downstairs because i wanna go to get somethings for our movie night tonight... Babe??

Jungkook laughs it off and goes to look around the house and he starts from the bed rooms to the other rooms, He starts to scratch his head and try's his best to find her. As he looks around the house, he decides to go outside and look. But what he found on his door was unbelievable, It was a letter that had a written message on it.


Hello Mr. Jungkook, I know your probably wondering who am i, but the real question is what did you do for me to react this way. Well remember me........ Remember when you killed my daughter.... Jennie, Then you had the nerve to kidnap my other two daughters from me. So i decided to kidnap her back. So if your bitch ass wants to see her, come and get her. I don't play when it comes to my baby

~ Their Mother


Everyone rushed from where they were at and ran into the living room area to see a sulky angry Jungkook standing with a paper in his hand .

Suga: What's going on?

J hope: Jungkook what's that in your hand?

Zarri: What the fuck tho? I was on fourth base with jimin, we was fucking good, had me legs shaking!

Jimin: Baby! Chill!

V: Nahh that was too much information my guy!

Jungkook: This is a letter from your crazy ass mother...

Zarri: Who's?

Jungkook: Yours!

Zarri: What the fuck??

Jungkook: She kidnapped Niya and she found out about how we killed Jennie, and now she's looking for revenge on us. She's planning on killing Niya. Also she said oh how we took "Her Daughters".

Zarri: Fuck she got my sister!!!! Damm this shit can't be happening right now!!

V: Oh now we kidnapping bitches, i've been waiting for this one..

everyone looked at V:

everyone looked at V:

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V: No not like that... Like I-I... You know what nevermind!

Namjoon: Yoo let me see that letter real quick.

Oh shit there's an address in the back. Let's go now, ima pack up the car and shit y'all get ready.

Jungkook: Yoo gang let's suit the fuck up now, we gonna go and get my girlfriend back! Zarri!

Zarri: Wassup!!

Jungkook: This mission your on my side, Not like that. But like you the co captain of this mission, so whatever you say go's. You got it?

Zarri: Oh shit, Wow.... Ummm thank you Jungkook.

Jungkook: Alright let's go before it's too late.

*Everyone gets into the Benz car*

Jimin: I hacked into the camera's outside the house look!

Suga: Nah this bitch bugging out!

Zarri: Yeah that's her, that's the evil long nipple bitch! I can't wait to kill her ass.

Jungkook: Alright... We here, this is it. One shot... That's all we got and we gonna make sure we get this one.

Jimin: I have to tell you guys something.

Suga: Speak!

Jimin: that lady in there crazy, she went to mental hospitals and mental care after she found out about Jennie's death. I checked her records and she is dangerous, i saw that she killed her last newborn because it didn't look like Jennie. Every since Jennie's death, she's been out here willing out like crazy nonstop.

Zarri: Babe you forgot one thing....

Jimin: What?

Zarri: Bitch we dangerous people!

Jungkook: Oh yeah i like this energy Zarri got.. Well gang roll out, let's do this shit and get Niya.

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