BullShit !

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Next morning

Niya had left the house because she needed time away, She just got into a heavy argument with Zarri and Jungkook. She didn't know how to feel because everyone in the house was talking about her and she wasn't feeling the vibes, She called the maid and asked her how was everyone and the maid replied with something that Niya wasn't excepting.

Niya: Hello, Maid marry? Are you there?

Marry: Yes Mrs.Kook I'm here. How are you?

Niya: I'm fine, How is everyone in the house? Are they upset still or are they all calm now—

Marry: Mrs. Kook there is something i need to tell you urgent.

Niya: Calm down and what is it? Why you sound so—

Marry: When you left the house last night, Everyone including Jungkook, And Zarri was talking about you badly.

Niya: Like they miss me badly?

Marry: NO like Jungkook was mad at how you left the house and how you acted like a bitch about him going overseas for work. He said that his old bitches wouldn't act like that.

Niya: That fucking little bitch, What about Zarri? What she said about me

Marry: Well... She said that she wouldn't want a sister that acts like that towards her. She said she felt uncomfortable and she called you a baby and a meaningless bitch.

Niya: Nah fuck this, I'm on my way—

Marry: I'm sorry but you can't come here

Niya: Why not?

Marry: Well you see, They are having a party here.

Niya what kind of party?

Marry: Well today is Mark's birthday today. So Jungkook threw a party for him and everyone is over there right now, I overheard Jungkook telling Mark to not tell you anything about the party tonight.

Niya: Your joking right! I can't believe this shit

Marry: Nope and that's why Mark didn't text you or call because when he was about to Jungkook stopped him and told him not to. Mark said okay and kinda looked sad. Did you get the voicemail from Mark.

Niya: Yeah something about "Later on tonight he wants to come see me so we can celebrate the last hours of his birthday like brother and little sister". I said okay and went back to sleep, I didn't think that it was because of Jungkook. Not even my own sister or her man would tell me, What of gang do u have with me. You know what , Thank you Mrs. Marry for this information and i hope that you have a good day. Oh and don't worry i won't tell that you said it, Now Bye!

Marry: By—

''Hang's Up''

Niya sat up laughing out her anger because she couldn't believe that they would just leave her out of the party like that. She needed to get her mind off of things so she called her best friend and decided to go out.

"Ring Ring"

Niya: Hey bitch what you doing today?

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