Different Sides Pt. 2

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Jungkook: Ok? So wassup? What you called me in here for?

Niya: Can you just calm down a bit! I just wanna talk!

Jungkook: Alright sorry, go ahead

Niya: I'm here to talk about us, I don't think this is gonna work out between us two—


Niya: Woah! Woah! Woah! Is there another bitch this room because who the FUCK IS YOU YELLING AT!! Lower that shit the fuck down!

Jungkook: Why should i calm down!

Niya: Your doing to much, you didn't even let me finish my sentence! I was gonna say that I don't think we are gonna work out because of your anger issues that you have!

Jungkook: Nah what anger issues? Who me? Nah i'm gucci! I'm cooling!

Niya: Don't deny it now! You know you have them, That's why when you get too angry you tend to walk off and take a break from whatever is bothering you.

Jungkook you have serious anger issues that needs to get fixed! I can't be with you if your gonna keep hitting me and trying to fight me. For the smallest fucking things that i do!

Jungkook: No it's because the things you do that gets me mad! Like hello are you dumb!

Niya: You see! Like who you talking it like that? And name something i've done that gotten you upset!

Jungkook: 1. Your dress too sexy!

Niya: And you don't even wear a shirt under your suit sometimes. Next!

Jungkook: Your mouth is smart! Disrespectful!

Niya: And your mad that you can't control me!! Next

Jungkook: You flirt with men when i'm not around!

Niya: One it was a mission, Two you be having strippers all over you and Three, you can't even contain yourself around women! So your points are not adding up!

Jungkook: You want me to be real! Find here's the fucking truth!

I just can't stand you sometimes! I hate when you do the things you do around me, I feel like you do them to be spiteful towards me.

You never reinsurance me that your really gonna be by my side and never leave me. Sometimes i get paranoid about you Niya....

So that's why i "SOMETIMES" hit you. I hit you and try to put you in your place so you could know not to ever leave me.

I know it was wrong to hit you the first time, but when i get angry at you, i become a different person and everything goes black!

Trust me I don't do it on purpose, maybe it is my anger issues, but regardless if i do get help. I'm not gonna change the way i see women as cheaters.

Niya looked stuck and she was frozen because she couldn't find the words to say to Jungkook. 

Finally she stood up and walked up to him and sat down and talked to him.

Niya: You listen to me, Now I do know that you have anger issues. Yes i know that, but regardless the case maybe, You don't ever ever ever put your hands on woman or girl! It doesn't matter!

Jungkook: I under—

Niya: No you don't.... Just listen to me babe. If you feel like i wasn't giving you attention or i was moving funny towards you.

Then you should've came and talked to me about it, Talking your feelings can feel uncomfortable at first.

Therefore once you do it and then you keep doing it, it should get easy as life goes on.

Jungkook i l-l-l-love you and i will do anything for your love. I will never ever cheat on you because that's not the type of person i am.

There a lot of things that i will do to you, but cheating is not one of them!

Jungkook: Is killing one of the other things?

Niya: I-I-I- Like i said, there's a lot of things i will do to you, but cheating will not be one! i love you to much to see you hurting like that.

Jungkook walked to Niya and grabbed her waist and told her these spectacular astonishing magnificent words that will shock her.

Jungkook: Niya...... I... Love you with all my heart and i will never want you to leave me, you hear me?

Niya: Oh babe, that was amazing of you to say to me. Jungkook we could do this, just watch how you treat me.

Jungkook: Ima try to work on my anger.

Niya: I hope so, So just to let you know. For a fact i will fight back if you ever put your hands back on me! And that's no cap!

Jungkook: Dam Niya shut the fuck up! I said i-i-i'm try.

Niya looked at Jungkook because they just had a whole discussion about his anger, and now he's sitting here yelling at her.

She knows it's not gonna be a good journey for the both of them, but she's willing to put up with because she loves him.

Niya: Okay Jungkook i'll be going, i have some work to do! I'll see you later!

Jungkook: okay see you later babe

Niya: See you later Jungkook.

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