1. Not a Single Smart Cookie in Sight

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"Mom, you really don't- mom, you really don't need to do that-" Bobby said, trying to grab the bedsheets from his mother. "Uh, mom-"

"Nonsense, Jiwon, let me handle this for you." She laid out the bedsheets for him, ignoring his pleas of him claiming he was an adult now. "Knowing you, you'll leave this dorm room messy in a week."

Bobby groaned but didn't say anything. His family was pretty excited that their oldest out of five kids was heading to college, even though he had always struggled academically to do well. It wasn't easy, but he busted his ass during high school and somehow managed to get B's, and a good scholarship that involved him making a video and winning first place covered a lot of his tuition on this place.

His father had taken his four younger siblings out for ice cream, since it would be too cramped in here if they were all present. His mom did say they could all come in when it was finished, which is why she was trying to help Bobby arrange everything.

"You should buy some plants here," she said, adding the pillows on the bed. "Spruce up this room. I know you can't hang pins but maybe there's something else you can do, lights or-"

"Mom, I'm not going to buy a plant," Bobby said. "It'll die in here anyways. Plus, I'm still waiting for my roommate anyways."

Ah, the dreaded roommate. Bobby was in a double, like most college students, and had yet to meet his roommate. They should have been here around the same time, so his roommate, the mysterious Jinhwan that he never contacted with the entire summer, is officially thirty minutes late.

Bobby could only hope this was a one-time thing. If college was indeed as hard as other people say, his roommate might be fucked.


"Another year to be dead inside," Yuto muttered, collapsing on his bed. It had been a busy week, trying to get settled in. Thank god he was a sophomore and didn't have to deal with the moving-in shenanigans that the freshmen were dealing with today.

Yanan, unliked someone in their shared dorm room, took off his shoes first before collapsing on the adjacent bed. "It's not like you did anything productive last year, anyways."

"Excuse you, I was the leader of the Japan Club," Yuto reminded his idiotic friend. "What did you do? Nothing."

"I still had a social life, though," Yanan retorted back at him. "Plus, me and Changgu have been steady for six months now."

"Oh, you're not going to be steady in the next five seconds if you keep talking shit." Yuto sighed. "Man, can't wait till next year when we get to have an apartment."

Yanan sat up on his bed. "That reminds me, actually." He took out his phone and started scrolling through it, ignoring a half-dead Yuto groaning about his muscle aches. "You know Shinwon, Changgu's friend? He's been helping out a lot of freshmen this week and said he if we wanted to head out to an event they're having later today, you know, as upperclassmen to say 'this university is great'."

Yuto glared at Yanan. "You want me to lie to the youth? How despicable of you, let's do it."


"This is really stupid," Yoongi said in the 40 celisius heat, wearing his black hoodie and basketball shorts. "Why did you drag me here?"

"Because we both volunteered to help the freshmen," Namjoon reminded him, taking one last sip of his boba tea drink before dunking it in the nearest trash can. "Where's Hoseok, he never takes this long."

Yoongi pretended to look at his watch, even though he didn't have one on. "The excruciating heat comes here-"

"HEY GUYS!" They turned around to see Hoseok, wearing his normal headband on his forehead, dressed like he just went for a one. That would explain the sweat on his face, though they were in the middle of the sweltering heat as well. "What did I miss?"

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