3. Hongjoong is Short...bread

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Yoongi was doing homework in his room, grumbling in frustration at the stupid math problem in front of him. Honestly, why was math still a requirement in college? Why pay for classes that you aren't going to use anyways?

He was checking the clock in his room for the fourth time in five minutes when he heard a knock on the door, startling him at first but was clearly a blessing in disguise.

Yoongi got up from his desk and trudged his way towards the door, ignoring how his socks got wet from the ice cube he dropped on the floor earlier that must have melted already, and opened it to reveal Hoseok on the other side, giving him a wave.

"Hey, Yoongi, I miss you!" Hoseok said. "What are you doing, are you busy? Namjoon said he was busy studying."

Technically Yoongi was also studying as well, but Hoseok didn't need to know that. "I was doing nothing," he lied, scratching the back of his ear. Hopefully Hoseok didn't question him, he always liked to ask questions. "I was just fucking around on Twitter, you know, the usual."

Hoseok nodded rapidly. "Yeah, I get it, like just today, I saw a picture of a cool cat- actually, let me show you the cat," he said, taking out his phone. "It was amazing."

Yoongi's eyes went wide at the mention of cats. He loved cats, he had always dreamed of marrying Hoseok and them adopting five cats together. "How dare you not send it to me when you first saw it."

"I thought you were busy and I didn't want to bother you," Hoseok said, shrugging. "Ah! Look at him!" He showed the screen to Yoongi. "A light brown cat with cute black dots all over him, he looks like a cookie!"

"He kind of does," Yoongi admitted. "But chocolate chip is too weird for me."

Hoseok shook his head, waving him off. "No, no, you are wrong," he said in English. Then, in Korean he said "You just haven't had good cookies yet."

"Well, that's the point of the Cookie Club, I guess," Yoongi said. "Make cookies. Try cookies. Die from cookies."

Hoseok sighed. "If only we could destroy the government while eating cookies- oh, they said the new meeting is tomorrow, right?" he asked Yoongi. "Yesterday was just an explanation, we're having a meeting every Thursday."

Dang it. If the Cookie Club meeting was tomorrow, then that meant that Yoongi had to finish all his homework tonight, since a lot of it was due on Thursday at midnight. "Well, we shouldn't miss the meeting," he said, glad that he and Hoseok went together. "We need some cookies, after all."


"Did you really have to make the meetings Thursday?" Seonghwa was bugging Hongjoong later that evening. "That's not fair, you know I have an internship during that time."

Hongjoong rolled his eyes, taking another sip of his caramel latte. Seonghwa was always inviting him to random places in the city to eat, but he often brought him here to this cafe close to campus, claiming that he didn't drink at least one of their cappuccinos a day, he would die. Not that Hongjoong cared if this idiot playboy died or not, but Seonghwa did have a lot of cash thanks to his parents, so Hongjoong was basically getting free coffee. Can't say no to that.

The cafe was about to close soon, so it was pretty empty, saved by a group of writers at the corner, empty coffee drinks scattered next to their laptops. He was pretty sure one of the girls was half dead. Other than them and the staff, it was just Hongjoong and Seonghwa alone.

"You're probably one of the only rich kids who actually like business like his parents," Hongjoong said. "What was it that you wanted to do again?"

Seonghwa rolled his eyes, grinning. "I'm majoring in Business Administration," he explained again. "As for a specific position, I don't know, maybe a marketing executive."

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