2. Whoop!...ie Pies

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"I'm not going to lead a club about making cookies!" Hongjoong screamed at San two hours before the first club meeting. "Are you insane?!"

Ever since last week after realizing San had made a typo and now people were signed up for this so-called Cookie Club, Hongjoong had been stressed about what they were going to do and has conveniently tried to forget about the incident until just two minutes ago when San reminded him about the meeting.

"But a lot of those people look scary so if we cancel they're going to find me and beat me up!" San screamed back at him, pretending to sob. "I thought we were friends!"

Hongjoong pinched the bridge of his nose, forcing himself to take a deep breath. "So what are we going to do in this goddamn Cookie Club? Give them cookies every meeting and just do random shit?"

"We can still do what we had planned for the Rookie Club," San suggested. " While we teach them how to make cookies!"

"What the- I don't know how to make cookies!" Hongjoong yelled at him. "And where are we going to get money for the ingredients, anyways?!"

San shrugged. "If I knew any chaebols I would ask- hold on!" He took out his phone and started texting. "Seonghwa owes me a favor-"

Hongjoong rolled his eyes at the name of that idiot. Seonghwa always gave him a headache, with his stupid phrases and his constant flirting. "Seonghwa says he has practice soon, he's not going to answer you," he said, rubbing his temples. "We have to cancel-"

"NO!!" San fell on his knees, grabbing Hongjoong's hands. "We have to make the Rookie Club work!! It's just now there's cookies involved, we can do this!"

"Oh really?" Hongjoong let go of San's hands and crossed his arms. "How are we going to do that?"


Si Cheng was laying on his dorm bed, typing on his phone. He finished all his assignments for his classes today with enough time to spare, though he was feeling hungry; the constant rumbling of his stomach was reminding him every five minutes.

He was texting one of the guys that he met last week, a Japanese upperclassmen named Yuta. He had been really nice to him during the whole ordeal last week, and asked for his snap chat which soon led to a constant chat between them going.

Right now, Yuta was reminding him of the Cookie Club meeting in half an hour, the club they both signed up for during the clubs presentation event. Yuta was a big fan of anything chocolate related, he said, and was really looking forward to learning about how to make cookies, which is what he assumed what the club was about.

Si Cheng had been confused. Didn't the two upperclassmen say something about it being called Rookie Club or something like that? Why was Yuta talking about cookies?

Why do you keep mentioning cookies? he sent to him on snap, waiting for a reply. All this cookie talk from Yuta was making him hungry. It was too late to head to the dining hall now, so he was going to have to wait until the meeting was over.

Yuta soon sent him a new message. I mean the sign said Cookie Club in English, he typed back. So I'm assuming it's about making cookies? What did they tell you?

They said something about Rookies, Si Cheng answered truthfully. They never mentioned to me about cookies .

He could see Yuta typing and deleting his message over and over, before finally sending a message. Interesting. Eh, we'll just have to see, but I'm still expecting a cookie. Do you want to head over together?

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