11. No Sheet (Cookies)

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"For today we are going to be making something that's more of a hybrid," Hongjoong stated, writing something on the white board.

"Not you using fancy terminology," San muttered under his breath.

The Cookie Club was having another meeting, with Hongjoong and San running it as usual. For some fucking reason, Seonghwa offered to buy all of the ingredients for today's meeting, so San immediately starting grabbing everything he wanted.

Hongjoong pointed the marker at San. "Shut the fuck up. These were your idea."

Yuto raised his hand up. "Does it have chocolate?"


Hongjoong threw the marker at San. "SHUT! UP!"

Hanbin turned around his seat to look at Bobby. "Fuck, you have more Tupperware with you, right?"

"This is going to be so much sugar," Hoseok muttered under his breath.

"ANYWAYS!" Hongjoong grabbed a new marker and continued writing, using his phone to copy down the measurements on the ingredients list. "This is what we are doing."


"Don't overmix it," Wooyoung was telling San.

San nodded dramatically, still whirring the mixture with the blender at high speed. "Don't worry! I won't!"

Wooyoung sighed. San didn't talk to him as much as he talked to everyone else in the Cookie Club, but he remembered how last time everyone started clowning San for thinking that Wooyoung was cute.

He watched as San continued blending the mixture. "You should probably stop."

"Oh, sorry." San turned off the handheld mixer, popping off the whisks before handing one to Wooyoung. "Want one? Hongjoong says we're not supposed to eat raw batter, but I figured I'd offer."

Wooyoung wasn't really a fan of salmonella, but he decided to grab one to make San happy. "Sure," he said. "Why not. I could always use a sick day from school."

San beamed. "I've never gotten sick from eating batter. But I do get called crazy."

Well, no fucking shit. San and his friends almost gave Wooyoung a heart attack every time they entered the cafe. It's crazy how he hasn't been banned considering Chanwoo hates noisy people.

"I wonder why..." Wooyoung muttered, grabbing the butter to grease the baking pan for San.


"You're going to choke if you keep stuffing those perfect cookies down your throat," Bobby told Hanbin as they were leaving the Cookie Club.

Despite not being down chewing, Hanbin swallowed the remainder of the cookies. "Not the worst thing I've put in my throat."

Bobby gave Hanbin a disgusted look. "I don't need to hear about you deepthroating people."

"What the- ooh, you're lucky I finished eating that cookie."

Bobby rolled his eyes, walking a little faster. "They weren't even actually cookies. It's a type of brownie. You'll be fine."

Hanbin sighed, reaching for another cookie (or brownie or whatever) in Bobby's Tupperware. Bless the freshman for carrying these containers everywhere. "First of all, I was talking about alcohol and cilantro."

"Eww, cilantro is GROSS!" Bobby grimaced, stopping in his tracks as he had squinted his eyes shut. "Bleh. Fuck that."

"Exactly. THANK YOU!! You would not believe how many kids here actually like that shit." Hanbin took a bit from a new cookie brownie and chewed, not even swallowing before continuing. "Damn, these are fire."

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