9. Squished Sandwich Cookies

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Tuesday was the next Cookie Club meeting, held at the so-called cafe that Wooyoung worked at.

15 minutes before closing, Hyojong noticed the huge group sitting at the end of the cafe and pulled Wooyoung to the side, whispering frantically into his ear. "Bro, where did all these people come from? We're about to close, I want to go home!"

Wooyoung rolled his eyes, pulling away to continue making the frappuccino in his hands. "Don't worry, they're here for the Cookie Club meeting after we close," he explained, putting the lid on the blender. "Chanwoo gave me the greenlight."

"Chanwoo is fucking insane," Hyojong said, opening the glass case display door and taking out a plate. "I'm taking a cheesecake just for that."

"I'm going to be dealing with them, not you," Wooyoung reassured him, pressing the blend button. He watched as the blender crushed the ice and swirled the mixture around. "Plus it's all thanks to you for opening your big fat mouth. I promised San-"

Hyojong raised an eye, smirking at him. "Oooh~~ is he someone that you like?" he said, teasing him. "Interesting-"

Wooyoung flipped him off with his free hand, the other one turning off the blender and taking off the cap. "Shut the fuck up, Hyojong-"

"Okay, well, now that I'm being threatened, I'm gonna head out," he said, pointing to the doors heading to the back kitchen area. "You sure you can handle those dudes alone, though? That San guy that comes here every once in a while is a bit... insane."

"I'm sure he's fine," Wooyoung said, pouring the mixture into a large cup. "His friend is a bit more sane, and plus the group seems to be alright. I'm just surprised we have so many... cookie fanatics."

"Of COURSE we do, cookies are fucking great." Hyojong waved at him, going through the back door and leaving Wooyoung behind the counter alone.

He sighed, putting a dome lid on the cup before grabbing the can of whip cream. "I'm so fucking tired," he muttered to himself.

Despite working in a cafe, Wooyoung tried his best to not drink too much coffee, knowing that it was bad if your body became too dependent on caffeine. However, sometimes desperate times called for desperate measures, and he only had three hours of sleep the night before.

What if I brew espresso with redbull instead of water and drink it while snorting cocaine, Wooyoung thought to himself, wondering where the hell would you get cocaine in the first place. Not gonna lie, he thought Hyojong was a crackhead the first time he met him, with his fried crunchy blood hair, bloodshot eyes with massive eye bags and that serial killer smile he sports all the time. How Hyojong got both a boyfriend AND a girlfriend at the same time in a triad?? Wooyoung had no clue.

Wooyoung grabbed the blender, planning on putting it in the sink to be washed when he noticed someone familiar standing in front of the register.

"Hi! Uh, can I have-"

"6,200 won," Wooyoung recited from memory.

San grinned. "Oh my god, I've always wanted to be a regular at a cafe!" he screamed. "I can't believe- oh, fuck, I still need to pay, give me a minute-"

He pulled out his wallet and took out a 10,000 won bill. "Here! Oh, and please add all the chocolate syrup you're allowed to give me-"

God, I wish I could say something about the sugar intake, Wooyoung thought to himself, remembering he was still an employee on the clock. Since he was borrowing the cafe from Chanwoo, Chanwoo told him he could remain on the clock. And, unfortunately, he had to be nice on the clock.

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