7. Nice! (Biscuit)

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At the next Cookie Club meeting, they learned to make those cookies with frosting that you can buy at Walmart or whatever, which you either loved or hated.

In Yuta's opinion, they sucked ass, but while he was baking with the freshman Si Cheng next to him, who had been excited during the whole process, a smile on his face, Yuta didn't dare to voice his opinion.

While the cookies were baking in the oven, they set out to make the frosting, and Si Cheng didn't know whether he should go with the red frosting or the purple frosting and was currently asking Yuta his thoughts about it.

"Yuta, what do you think?" Si Cheng asked him, that same smile on his face, as he held up two tubes of food coloring. "Red or purple?"

Both frostings would be nasty, of course, so it all boiled down to which one would look prettier, he assumed. "Uh... I don't know, you pick," he ended up saying. "I'm... not really good with colors."

"What do you mean, not good with colors?" Si Cheng continued to ask him. "How can you be bad at a color?"

"I am a firm believer that you can be bad and anything," Yuta said. "Which I most certainly am. But if I must... just use both."

Si Cheng stared at the food coloring tubes in his hands. "Both?"

Yuta nodded. "Yeah, you can, like, mix it for some and then make regular red or purple cookies," he added. "Or different shades or- I mean, I'm not good with colors."

"No, you're not!" Si Cheng exclaimed, turning his attention back to the frosting mixture in the silver bowl. "I think I have an idea."

He grabbed the box of the food coloring and flipped it to see the backside, reading the instructions. "Okay, so I'm going to add the amount for red, and I'll gradually add purple drops, and it can be like a gradient."

"Sounds like a plan," Yuta said, bending down to see the oven. The cookies look to, dare he say, almost perfect; they were golden brown and inflated, and oh, how he just wanted to bite his teeth down on one right this instant. "How long till the timer rings again?"

Si Cheng pointed at the timer above the tiny oven. "It says two minutes left, I think."

"Oh, thank god!" Yuta straightened up his back, groaning. "I want to eat one so bad!!!"

"Oh, are you hungry?" Si Cheng picked up his backpack that had been on the floor and set it on the counter, opening the main zipper. "I have stuff you can eat."

Yuta shook his head. "No, no, no, I am perfectly good, you don't have to feed me-" he stopped when he saw Si Cheng pull out a wrapped parcel, holding it delicately in his hands. "I mean... what is it?"

" Rou jia mo, " Si Cheng said, grinning. "I really like the seasoning in the meat."

Si Cheng held it out for Yuta, who hesitated before grabbing it from him, opening it slowly.

It was a bun, almost pita like, that had a pocket where the meat was, braised pork, Yuta realized. It must have been made some time ago, as it was lukewarm, but still warm nonetheless.

He raised it slowly to his mouth, taking a tiny bite. Damn, Si Cheng was right; the seasoning of the meat was so good. The pork was so soft, so tender, holy fuck-

Yuta covered his mouth, letting out a groan as he continued to chew this. "This is the best thing I've ever tasted in my whole goddamn life," he said, swallowing quickly before taking another bite of it.

Si Cheng stuffed his hands in his jeans pockets, rolling his feet back and forth. "I'm glad you like it!" he exclaimed. "I made it from scratch, but I didn't have all the ingredients for it, I made a lot on accident for breakfast so I had an extra one-"

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