12. And Called it MACARONi

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"I already told you, we don't have a cookie club meeting today."

Yuto was on Facetime with Yanan as he got ready in the room, looking for his jacket. The Japan Club had a meeting today, and Yuto had invited Kino. It was his first time inviting the latter, and the last thing he wanted was to make a bad impression.

The tray of raspberry macarons sat safely on his desk. The two of them made them together yesterday (though they did make an extra batch for just themselves) and Yuto was so excited to show them off. He didn't want to brag too much, but... yeah, he and Kino did some fire ass cookies.

"Then why are you rambling about some cookie thing?" Yanan said, who was Facetiming Yuto from the comfort of his boyfriend's room. He had just finished his essay, so now he was just doodling in a journal, coming up with a thousand ways to get revenge on someone.

"Pay attention you idiot. I said that yesterday me and Kino did some macarons and I'm bringing them, which you would have known if you spent the night here. There's a party in one of the houses and I'm trying to show off."

"Show off the cookies or your new boy toy?" Yanan asked, not even looking at the screen. "You're an odd one-"

"SHUT UP!" Yuto found his jacket that was on the floor, only to throw it back on the floor. Now he remembered why he couldn't find it - he threw it on the ground after he stained it with marinara. Pasta night was wild. "Damn it, what am I going to wear?"

Yanan sighed, closing his notebook. "Maybe bust out the leather jacket-"

"No, it's too soon for that," Yuto muttered, opening his closet again. "That's at date status-"

"So you do want to date him," Yanan repeated. "Huh."

Yuto raised his hand, ready to yell at Yanan until he realized what he said. "Fuck," he muttered in Japanese, clenching his fist. "Oh no."

"Oh yeah," Yanan muttered. "Anyways. Now that you 're not in the denial stage for that-"

Yuto sighed. "I am not making a move tonight so please drop the comments-"

"I am dropping them," Yanan continued. "Besides, I don't want to talk about relationships right now. What other food are they bringing?"

"Japanese food, duh- wait a minute." Yuto looked at his phone screen, where Yanan had continued doodling in his notebook. "Why not?"

Yanan rolled his eyes, making eye contact with Yuto - well, through Facetime, anyways. "Macarons aren't Japanese-"

"We are going to ignore the sarcastic reply I made and go back to what you said." Yuto pulled out the chair from his desk and sat on it, grabbing his phone to bring the phone closer to his face. "What did Changgu do?"

Yanan's eye twitch, and momentarily Yuto wondered if he was pushing it. "I got in a fight with Changgu earlier."

Yuto groaned, rubbing his eyes. Yanan was always in a shitty mood when there was an issue with someone, especially his boyfriend. "You guys fought but you're still in his dorm?"

"He stormed out, and I still have the key anyways." Yanan threw his journal on the bed beside him. "Do you think I'm really possessive?"

"Pfft." Yuto started laughing, getting back up from his spot. "You're so fucking funny, you know that, right?"

Yanan frowned. "What the hell are you talking about-"

"Of fucking course you're possessive!" Yuto continued. "God forbid someone is a mile from your boyfriend! You once threw a tantrum at me because I gave him a free Tacobell coupon!"

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