8. Smooth as Butter Cookies

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Hongjoong stuffed the rest of his notebooks into his backpack, making sure not to accidentally crumple or bend anything. He liked to have all his stuff organized, and looking at something out of place made his eyes bleed.

When he was grabbing his pencil pouch off his desk, a knock on the door startled him. He wasn't used to many people coming to his room, except San and sometimes Mingi. The ones who always scared the shit out of him were always Yeosang and Seonghwa.

Still holding the pencil pouch in his hands, Hongjoong made his way to the door, not even caring about making himself presentable (he still hadn't changed; he was only in a plain white t-shirt and some black basketball shorts, plus his socks - don't even dare talk about his hair).

Hongjoong opened the door, staring at who he now realized was Seonghwa with a bored expression. "What... What are you doing here?" he asked. "Another dare that Jongho did?"

"Jongho didn't do shit ," Seonghwa said. He was dressed nicely, much nicer than Hongjoong over here, but to be fair, Seonghwa came from a rich family, so it was to be expected. "No, I just came because, well, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out, I guess."

Hongjoong, being shorter, looked up to Seonghwa, sighing. It was Friday, and he didn't really have plans, so he was going to take advantage of that and go to the library and study, but Seonghwa probably wanted to make fun of him again. "Seonghwa, I really am not in the mood for another prank-"

"I swear it's not a prank!" Seonghwa exclaimed. "I just want to see you, is that too much to ask?"

"I- for what particular reason do you wish to see me?" Hongjoong asked, crossing his arms over his chest. Some sharp pencils were poking against the pencil pouch in his hands, poking his arm, but he tried to ignore the tiny pain it was causing. "You're really expecting me to believe that you don't have anything else planned on a Friday?"

"Well, maybe I didn't make plans," Seonghwa mumbled under his breath.

Hongjoong raised an eye. "Not even a date or something?"

"No, I don't go on dates ," Seonghwa denied. "I'm not interested in other people."

Sounds like something a playboy would say, Hongjoong though. "What did you want to do then?" he asked, still thinking Seonghwa was up to something.

Seonghwa ran his hands through his styled hair. Literally why he would make an effort to look decent everytime he wanted to be with Hongjoong was a mystery to him; San sometimes showed up in just boxers (although, that's just San.) "We can... go out to eat?" he suggested. "You can pick, I really don't mind."

Ah. That explained why he was dressed so well.

"Well, let me change, then," Hongjoong said, uncrossing his arms as he stepped back inside his dorm room, throwing his pencil pouch on his desk. "I'm assuming you're done with all your upcoming assignments and whatnot."

"Oh, yeah, a lot of them were similar to what I've done in my father's company," Seonghwa said, taking one step into the room, looking around. "It wasn't that bad-"

He saw Hongjoong grab a pair of jeans off his bed, holding it in his hands as he stared at Seonghwa.

"-oh, I'm sorry, I- fuck-" Seonghwa turned around, shutting the door. "Sorry, I swear I'm not looking."

"Uh... it's fine," he heard Hongjoong say behind him. True to his word, Seonghwa didn't dare to look at him. "There, I'm done."

Seonghwa turned around again, looking at Hongjoong, who was now wearing the jeans instead of his basketball shorts. He was still wearing the white t-shirt, though, and grabbed a thin black jacket off the back of his chair.

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