13. GingerSNAP!

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Hongjoong was back in his room, putting the ingredients used for the cookie club back away when he heard a knock on his dorm.

"Oh my god," he muttered, making his way to open the door. "YEOSANG I TOLD YOU TO STOP- oh."

When he opened the door, there had been Seonghwa standing on the other side, dressed up in a black suit, his hair combed back, silver rings adorning his fingers.

And, in his hand, a bouquet of tulips.

Hongjoong felt his heart skipping a beat, holding a breath. Seonghwa... at his door... holding flowers?

"Did you want these?" Seonghwa said, extending them out to Hongjoong. "I got them at the office from some company that I closed a deal with-"

Hongjoong sighed, pushing the door fully open to let Seonghwa in. "I'll get a cup," he said, stepping back inside his room. "I'll have to go to the store to get a vase."

Once Seonghwa stepped into the room, he shut the door behind him, standing next to the door. It wasn't rare that he came to Hongjoong's room in his full corporate attire, but he still felt out of place every time he did.

He watched Hongjoong step on his chair to reach the assortment of cups and water bottles he kept on the high shelf of his desk, jumping off gracefully once he got the one he wanted.

"We should go this weekend," Seonghwa blurted out. He noticed how Hongjoong stopped in his tracks, standing still with the cup in his hand. "You always need stuff for the cookie club, right?"

Hongjoong set the cup down on his desk, uncapping the hydro flask next to his laptop to pour it into the cup. He had only taken two sips out of it, too busy stressing over his homework to hydrate himself properly, so it should be fine for the flowers. "I don't know what to make next week, I'm stuck."

Seonghwa sat down on Hongjoong's bed, setting the bouquet of flowers down beside him. "I'm sure there's recipes online," he said. "Are you in the mood for anything? Doesn't have to be anything."

A pair of scissors in his hand, Hongjoong grabbed the flowers and took off the plastic holding the stems together, dropping the flowers into the cup. "I mean... honestly I've been wanting coffee cake," he said truthfully, pushing the cup of flowers farther back on the desk so that they wouldn't fall. "But I haven't had a chance to buy some."

"Well... maybe you can try a coffee cake cookie recipe?" Seonghwa suggested. "The cookies you make don't have to be basic cookies that exist, a part of it is also being innovative."

Hongjoong thought of the cookie butter they used earlier, and how despite their doubts, the cookies ended up being delicious. And, well... coffee cake did sound good right now.

"I don't know why I didn't think of that..." Hongjoong glanced at Seonghwa, grinning when they made eye contact. "You'll be a good businessman, you know that?"

Seonghwa could feel how hot his neck was all of a sudden. "... That's the goal, I suppose," he said, laughing nervously. Hongjoong wasn't really the type to compliment him like that. "Figured some of my classes must be useful."

Hongjoong grabbed his phone off of the desk, scrolling on it. "I am running out of butter... I've never tried making coffee cake from scratch, though, much less in cookie form."

"Eh, shouldn't be that bad, I mean, cake and cookies are both derivative of pastries-"

"OH I FOUND A RECIPE!" Hongjoong sat down next to Seonghwa on the bed, crossing his legs as he read his phone. "I have all of these ingredients, I think? Oh no wait, I need cake flour-"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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