4. Chocolate Chip in My Shoulder

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Despite the gigantic mess they made not even in the first ten minutes of the club, they somehow managed to make cookies.

To a stranger, if they saw Bobby's cookies they would think it turned out like shit, but they were actually better than what he expected. For one, he didn't burn down the oven (that had actually been another member in the club, some scary ass guy named Yoongi) nor did he spill a shit ton of ingredients (cough cough the two leaders). They tasted okay in his opinion anyways.

He took out one of his Tupperware containers and organized the shortbread cookies in there, wanting to save them for later. Maybe he'll give one to his roommate, he thought, that is, if Bobby ever saw him. Or maybe they can be for his first midnight snack, yeah, that'll be good.

Bobby reached out to grab the lid to close the container shut, only to accidentally swipe it across the counter and to have it land on the floor. Letting out a string of curses, he bent down to grab it only to realize that someone did it sooner.

Looking up, he was face-to-face with some random club member (cut him some slack, he hasn't even been in this university for two weeks, he wasn't going to know shit.) However, this club member looked really familiar...

Oh, yeah, the guy who saw Bobby eat cold pizza in the wrong classroom.

"You dropped this," the guy said, pointing out the obvious. He handed the lid back to Bobby. "I see you collect Tupperware."

Bobby rolled his eyes, snatching the lid from him to close the container shut. "I'll like to hear you say that when your cookies turn stale as shit," Bobby said, stuffing the container in his backpack.

"Hey, I didn't say it was a bad thing."

Bobby started muttering to himself. "Great, I don't even know this person's name and he starts acting like he has wisdom."

"It's Hanbin, for your information," Hanbin said. "And you're Bobby , not buddy if I recall correctly."

"Well, Hanbin , enjoy your stale ass cookies." Bobby lifted up his backpack and swung it over his shoulders. "That is, if you even made good ones."

Hanbin took out something from his pocket wrapped in napkins, unwrapping it to reveal the cookies he made. "I thought they turned out okay," he said. "I'll just eat them really fast before they turn stale."

Bobby stared at Hanbin's cookies, only to mentally deflate. He had no idea what the fuck Hanbin was talking about, but his turned out perfect . Like, insanely perfect. If Gordan Ramsay saw them, he would literally have nothing to criticize. Hanbin could earn a Michelin star.

"Welp, that's another thing I can't do in this fucking university," Bobby mumbled to himself.

Hanbin frowned. "What do you mean? You're a freshman, right?"

"That doesn't mean shit," Bobby said, taking out his phone. He had a ton of homework that he needed to complete if he didn't want to fall back on his classes and he had no idea how to get back to his dorm. "Enjoy your perfect cookies."


After the club, Yuta invited to take Si Cheng off campus for dinner. Since Si Cheng was a freshman (and a foreigner, to top that), he didn't know much about the city, so Yuta thought it would be a good idea to show him all the stuff you could do.

He hadn't eaten dinner and he really needed to eat something nutritional before he wolfed down the entire batch of shortbread cookies he made, so it would be best if they had dinner first.

They went into a normal Korean restaurant sitting at a booth towards the back, and Si Cheng looked at the menu with great interest.

"Is it bad that I have no idea what these dishes are?" he said, staring at the pictures with awe. "This one looks tasty," he said, pointing at one of the pictures.

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