Emotionally drained. 2

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Daniel Pov: 

It's has been a couple of days since everything as happened. I constantly worry about Corbyn, staying up late just to check on him, stay by his side every second of the day making sure he doesn't do anything back. 

I have tried multiple times too try and talk to him but it never seems to work, he does tell me what he's thinking once in a while, but only one word, sometimes it's helpful sometimes it's not. 

I've been doing research on why he has been acting like this, the only thing I found was Schizophrenia (I don't quit know what this is, but i'm going try my best and work with what I know about it), I don't know if it would be true, because I know nothing about that but the symptoms seem pretty accurate. Even if Corbyn told me multiple times he didn't want to go see someone, I still managed to get him to see someone and tell him what's wrong. 

So here we are, in the waiting room to meet someone. 

"Here for Corbyn Besson?" The therapist asked. 

I stood up, but noticed Corbyn wasn't moving, he seemed to be in his thoughts anyway. 
I tapped his shoulder trying to bring him into present time, after a couple more taps he finally looked at me, I gave him a small smile but never receiving on back which made me frown. 

Corbyn walked in front of me, following the therapist. 

"Alright Corbyn, I'll be your therapist until your feeling better, or until your 5 weeks will be over, my name is Mike" The therapist now known as Mike told us, I nodded. 

"That's wonderful" I said, not really knowing what to say. 

"Do you mind telling me what's happening with Corbyn?" Mike asked Corbyn, however when he didn't answer, I answered for Corbyn. 

"He's been acting differently, we were doing a zoom call but before it started he ran to the bathroom and never left, he would talk to me and I would talk back but he would back up almost as if he were scared of me..." I started telling the story about why Corbyn was acting this way. Corbyn was in his little world again not paying attention. 

"Alright i'll talk to Corbyn if he wants to speak to me and what's he's feeling more" Mike told me. 

I nodded, heading towards the door, before opening the door I turned around looking at Corbyn who was holding his wrist, I sighed knowing what he did there when he was in my car, my heart broke at the sight. I left a second later calling Jonah.

Corbyn Pov: 

Daniel brought me to a therapist, I wasn't excited at all, I know I told him I would go to one but i'm regretting going. 

The voices inside of my head have been getting worse but I try and block them out, it works sometimes and sometimes it doesn't, but Daniel was and is always there for me when I need it. 

Daniel left the room, thinking i'm going to talk. 

"So Corbyn, is there anything else you want to tell me?" The therapist asked me, I didn't catch his name when he told me, since I wasn't paying attention. 

I just shook my head, not wanting to be here. I especially didn't want to talk to a stranger without Daniel by my side. 

"Daniel...Here..." I whispered quietly. 

The therapist nodded while getting up probably to get Daniel since I said his name. 

This is your chance you should do it, it would even be funnier if Daniel and the therapist walked in on you

I groaned at the voices, taking out my phone and removing the case taking out the razor, I told Daniel I would stop and throw everything away, but my voices said it would make me feel better. 

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