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3rd pov:(the beggining is kinda explaining what happened with them and their past, and how they started liking eachother, and then the date. It may be long, but whatever I write is long)

Jack and Zach hated each other in high school, weather it just be one of them breathing to loud, or just something annoying in general. In elementary they use to be the best of friends until Jack started hanging out with the cool kids, and started ignoring Zach. 

After 5 years of highschool, they graduated. They still never talked, Zach tried a couple times too talk to Jack, but all Jack did was roll his eyes. After a couple years Zach moved away with his girlfriend, Jack staying in L.A. 

Jack was going to college to pursue becoming a history teacher. He hadn't been in any relationship ever since he went into college, he wanted to study harder and become a teacher. 

Zach moved to Canada with his girlfriend(kay), they had a child named Ashton, Kay didn't want a child, she broke up off with Zach and let Zach have full consent on Ashton, Zach was somewhat relieved, after realizing he was losing feelings and started to like guys, he soon realized he was gay. 

Zach moved back to L.A not liking Canada that much.(rude, i'm from canada and he gotta be like that) He didn't have the best job, but it was able to pay for him and Ashton. 

Ashton was now a freshman, and it was parent teacher night. It was Jack's first year teacher History, Ashton was in his class. When Jack saw the name Ashton Herron he didn't know if it was going to be his ex-best friend, his enemy, they haven't talked ever since elementary, and since parent teacher night was coming he wouldn't know how to act. 

(night of the parent teacher interview)

It was the night Jack was dreading, we wasn't sure if it was because he was scared if it was going to be the night he saw Zach for the first time in years or if it was because this was his first year. 

Jack left the door open so parents could go into the classroom, while he was fixing all his papers and everything he needed. Parents were coming in one by one, once he was done arranging his papers, he lifted his head and was met with a familiar boy walking into the class. Jack's eyes widened Zach doing the same thing. Jack eyed the boy up and down, noticing how his hair changed and style, how he also was a lot taller then in high school. 

Zach also noticed how Jack had cut his hair and had short brown hair. 

Zach smiled at Jack before going to sit down. 

"Hello, everyone as you all know i'm Mr.Avery, I am teaching your children history, most of you may also know this is my first year. I also do know that History can be a boring subject, so I try to make the class as fun as possible. All of your children are doing very well, I will tell you more about them when I speak to you one at a time. If any of you have any questions, you may ask" Jack told all the parents, answering the parents questions. They were now talking individually with Jack. 

Zach was the next to speak to Jack, he was nervous. Ever since Zach knew he was gay, he started looking at old pictures of him and Jack, he always became flustered and blushed when looking at Jack, if you saw Zach looking at the pictures you could tell he likes Jack, because he does, so when he went into the room he became shy, nervous and stopped talking, even if he talks all the time. 

"Hi Zach, it's been a while" Jack said pulling Zach into a hug(Say they were in a separate room), which surprised both Jack and Zach. 

"y-yeah, umm is it ok, if I speak to you when everybody left?" Zach nervously asked. 

"Yeah, that's fine with me, you can take a seat in my chair, it won't be to long" Jack said, letting go of Zach, although before Zach left Jack took his waist and pulled him into a kiss(sorry if this seems rushed, i'm just trying to not make it to long) Zach was confused, well that's normal for him, but that is a different type of confused, he was also happy, but he didn't want to get his hopes up. 

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