Dorbyn&Jachary (part 1)

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This is gonna be LONG so be prepared I may make this a 3 part. 
Daniel is feminim, so if you do like it you can skip it. 

3rd pov:

It was 10 days before Christmas in best friends house, containing 5 boys from ages 19 to 22. Those 5 boys names are Jonah Marais, Corbyn Besson, Daniel Seavey, Jack Avery, Zach Herron. 

In that house there were lots of memories, good and bad.
Although for Jonah it's not always fun when your always the fifth wheel. And taking care of either Zach or Daniel if needed. 

Corbyn pov: 

It' December 15th,
I was sitting on Jack's and Zach's bed since the two share a room, cause you know there dating, anyway, i'm sitting with Jack talking about how were gonna propose to our loved ones, Christmas is 10 days aways and we have no rings. 
Is that bad? I don't know, but that's why we were gonna talk about when we were gonna go shopping maybe with Jonah.  

"Alright, so we need to go a buy rings since we wanna propose and we still don't have the rings, and Christmas is in 10 days, and since we want to make everything perfect" I say while talking to Jack hoping the 2 boys don't hear us, I would doubt it tho as I think they went shopping with Jonah, he said he's only helping us since he wants us to be happy even tho he's like the fifth wheel where all together. 

"Yeah that sounds good, we can go tomorrow and ask Jonah to look after them, or else there going to want to come with us" Jack suggests tomorrow.

"That's sounds good, we don't have anything tomorrow" I smile, he smiles back. I really want Daniel to be happy and I want Jack and Zach to be happy. 

I hear 3 familiar loud voices talking and laughing only one seems to be complaining a lot I recognize as Jonah's. 

"Can y'all stop being so loud, my head is starting to hurt from how loud your talking. I better not do this again" We hear Jonah complain once again. 

"I hope they did nothing bad" Jack says to me.

"Well, we can ask what they did later" I laugh as I hear 2 boys running up the stairs laughing and loud stomps that probably come from Jonah. 
Jack takes Zach into their bedroom and Jonah walking slumped into his room to maybe to a bath or shower. 

"CORBYN!!!" Daniel squeaks at the sight of me, I chuckle at his energy. "Hi, Daniel, how are you? You didn't do anything wrong did you?" I ask while looking into his blue eyes. 

"Well technically not" He says all shy, that make me wonder what he actually did. "What did you do? And we did Jonah look so annoyed, you didn't annoy him to much did you?" I ask with a smirk knowing he did something wrong. 

"Wellll, it would depend on how you see it, all we did was go to the mall, shop, go and eat until, Zach and I had this random burst of energy and we started laughing loudly, we might also have accidently hit Jonah because we were just laughing to hard, and he got annoyed because we never stopped. But he will get over it, he still love Zach and I" He says laughing at the end, I look at him wide eyed. 

"Daniel Seavey, why would you do that to him? That's not very nice. Also Jack and I have to go out, so Jonah will be stuck with you once again, is that alright hun?" I ask sweetly hoping he'll say yes. 

"I would love to, but why are you always hanging out with Jack now and never me?" He asks with a small pout, I can't help but smile at that.

"You'll see once Christmas arrives and Zach will also know. But now let's go to sleep, i'm tired" While saying that I lay down in our bed soon getting joined by a now also tired blonde. 

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