Chapter 13

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Jake's POV~

What stood before Jake utterly disgusted him, nearly bringing on a new wave of tears. Into Dirk's almost perfectly toned torso laid the words 'FAGGOT TRASH'.
((Delta: *Can't come up with an offensive insult* oh wait that's what i am. well. okay.))
Jake frowns deeply and runs his thumb over it, earning a light gasp from Dirk due to the sensitivity of the scaring. He mumbles a quiet apology to the other, still shell shocked by the sudden turn of events.
Jake sighs quietly and shakes his head, wanting to forget about all of this. He looks up at Dirk and forces out a smile. "So dirk since you're here and all would you like to stay over for a film and perhaps some dinner? It would be nice to have someone here for once."
Dirk simply nods, knowing what Jake was trying to do. Jake smiles more and slides Dirk's jacket back on, finding it rather comfortable, before leading him out to the living room.
"You don't mind watching Avatar, correct?" Jake smiles sheepishly at Dirk, having a major soft spot for the movie.
"Whatever floats your boat, man." Dirk chuckles quietly, flopping on the couch. Jake happily pops in the movie before sitting beside Dirk and starting the movie up.

((well that's seems to be the end of this chapter. Hope y'all enjoyed! also a little side note, Lights and I thought that we should inform you all of our Tumblrs in case you wanted to go follow us over there. Mine is obviously CoolCatDELTA and her's is LightsEnd. that's kinda our usernames for everything. So with that said, i sign off. good bye all you lovely peoples!

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