Chapter 4

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Dirks POV~

Dirk was sitting in class, waiting for the end, watching the clock tick slowly when he heard the teachers phone ring. The teacher slowly walked over and picked up the phone, exchanging a few words with the other person on the phone.

"Dirk Strider?"

His head moves to face the teacher.

"Yes sir?"

"Your presence has been requested in the office."

Ignoring all the "oooohhh's" and snickers, He walked over to the door and walked out, strolling down to the office. He opened the door to the office, and has never been more thankful for the glasses that cover his eyes, because they probably expanded to the size of dinner plates. The guy that was standing in front of Dirk was beau--- err, handsome. Dark emerald green eyes and tan skin. That's when he came to his senses and said his normal greeting.


The other boy quickly blushed (and Dirk found that adorable, he just wouldn't admit it) and said hello before the secretary entered the conversation.

"Hello Mr. Strider! I apologize for calling you on such short notice but I would like if you could walk Mr. English over here around."

Dirk walked over and extended his hand which the English boy quickly shook

"Dirk Strider"

"Jake English"

Dirk quickly asked the schedule plan of Jake's classes, and almost jumped for joy, but he didn't of course, that's be uncool, grabbed Jake's wrist and started walking him to his first class. Man, this is gonna be interesting.

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