Chapter 14

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(Hey guys it's Lights, and first thing, if this first part turns out bad, I apologize, I'm trying to get rid of a panic attack and this is the only thing that's helping. Anyway, onto the story!)

Dirk's POV~

Dirk watches as Jake puts in the movie and silently chuckles at how eager Jake is. Dirk watches him and almost jumps when Jake sits next to him.
Key word: almost.
Jake reminds him of a puppy, the way he's watching the movie. Dirk continously stares at the blue people until he feels a small amount of pressure on his shoulder. He looks over to see the brunette sleeping.
'Guess I didn't see him sit properly.' Dirk thinks, slowly moving so his arm was behind Jake's head. Slowly but surely, Dirk's eyes start to close, and his head rests on top of Jakes, his shades falling into Jakes lap, and the two sleep there peacefully.
**time skip**
Dirk wakes up to find his pillow had left and had been replaced by an actual pillow, as well as a blanket. Slowly rising, he stretches, before walking into the kitchen, hoping to find something to eat, and instead finding Jake. It then dawned on him.
He was in Jakes house.
Without his shades.
At that moment, Jake turns around, to see Dirk without his shades on, orange eyes wide. That moment didn't last long though, as Dirk quickly covers his eyes and quickly walks (Lights: ...strides perhaps? :3 no? Okay.)away to the other room to retrieve his shades, and to his misfortune, not finding them. After a few minutes or so, Jake walks out to see Dirk looking for his shades, muttering curses, and sighing in relief upon finding them. Dirk finally faces Jake, a bit reluctant and says one scentence.
"Sorry Jake, I'll be leaving now."
He quickly walks out the front door, and walks about a quarter mile before coming along a small park. Sitting on a small bench he contemplates what he did. He felt bad, leaving Jake like that, but he felt like he just lost a part of his secrecy, letting Jake see his eyes. He was pretty sure Jake wouldn't want to see HIM after that fiasco after all, who'd wanna be friends with a freak? Marked by the same person or not, if the person doesn't like you, they'll avoid you. Sighing, Dirk looks up at the sky, only to be pelted with a few small droplets, that quickly turned into a downpour. Letting out another curse, something he'd been doing a lot lately. He checks his pocket only to find that it wasn't there. Now he's done it. He left his phone at Jake's. Facepalming mentally, he slowly walks back to Jake's house, almost dreading the next visit.

(Ayyy I'm done. This took longer than expected, but I was planning on dropping it at the time skip, but then it wouldn't even be a page long, so I had to do a lot of brainstorming, but I finished it. Now I have an idea, almost like a Q&A/20 facts thingy, but I'm not sure if you guys would enjoy that, so let us know, and I'll talk to Delta about it)

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