Chapter 25 - I can't swim

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The intercom phone in our villa rang loudly, so loudly that both me and Shiv had woken up with a start. It still looked dark outside so it was either very early in the morning or middle of the night. Who was calling us ? Panic overtaking me, I looked at Shiv who was already on his way to the foyer as that was where the phone was located. I yawned and switched on the bedside table lamp and checked the time on the cellphone on the bedside table, it was 6 AM. That was still 7:30AM in India so who was calling us. 

Shiv came back a few minutes later, "It was one of the resort staff." Oh, so no one in India. Thank God for that! 


Shiv was rubbing his eyes and yawned. He then stretched both his arms sideways and then I noticed something which made me blink my eyes a couple of time to make sure I was seeing what I was really seeing. He was shirtless! 

Shirtless! The Pj's were just hanging below his protruding belly. I admittedly looked up and down at his bare upper body with chest hair and which I am sure he must have seen because he was rubbing the back of his neck, "I was feeling hot in here. I wanted to increase the air conditioning but you were clutching the duvet upto your nose like it was really cold, so I tried sleeping again. But, I couldn't sleep so I... Let me look for my shirt." 

I was so taken aback that my eyes wondered around the room and then I started in my lap. His half naked body was attractive to me! It wasn't perfect, but it was his! I was suddenly feeling very shy as thinking through the whole scene, we were both on our honeymoon, I was practically bra less, he was shirtless and so we were half naked on the same bed! I was really falling for Shiv! 

I saw Shiv, pulling out his round neck night shirt from between the sheets and putting it on. I asked him to distract myself, "What did the resort staff have to say so early in the morning?" 

"Well, they announced yesterday after dinner that the second day of bus tour was scheduled for  today. Since, we had weren't at the dinner yesterday to confirm our presence, they were calling to check in if we had opted out or forgotten to sign our names. At first, I really wanted to snap at him for calling at this hour but then he said he was really sorry to be disturbing a honeymoon couple but he just didn't know what else way to find out as we were there on the tour yesterday." Shiv sighed.

"Oh, what did you say then?" Curiously, I asked as I figured, we had already been woken up from a deep sleep. Although, I didn't want to face those stupid ladies again. 

"I said no. I was so sleepy and then simultaneously angry at him for waking us up. I have no interest in going to another day bus tour. The bus ride was very bumpy too. I hope you are ok with not going ?"

"I am ok with this decision too." I heaved a sigh of relief. 

"Ok. Let's sleep some more." Saying so, he was already lying down on the bed. I was smilingly looking at him and thinking it was our honeymoon and we just had to spend time with each other and not those annoying and judgy people. I was shaken off from y thoughts when Shiv called out, 

"Anjali! Kya hua?" 

"Ji kuch nahi. I will also go to sleep." I smiled at him

"Ghuma launga pura island aapko. Don't worry. We still have a lot of days pending on this trip." 

I'll show around the entire island.

"Ji, it's not that. I am happy it will be only us today." I was staring in my lap as I spoke. I heard nothing from him as I made the confession but I did hear light snores after a few seconds. I smiled looking at him, he looked like a big fluff as he snored through his slightly open mouth. 

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