Chapter 33 - Learner's license

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"Ji, I know it is button start. But, don't you see there?" She pointed to the empty car park space infront of us and I wondered what she was trying to say. "There is a pigeon right there nibbling onto something."

I laughed out loud this time, "Anjali! It's a pigeon, it will fly when it will sense a car is approaching and it is very far from you."

She looked at me with tears brimming in my eyes. "Oh My God! Anjali, I am sorry. I didn't mean to laugh like that..."

I immediately took off the seat belt and got my handkerchief out from my pant pocket and gave it to her. "Look look, I am really sorry. I shouldn't have laughed like that."

She took the handkerchief but before she could dab it on her face, tears had already made their way to her cheeks. She quickly buried her face in the handkerchief in her hands and sobbed, "I am just so silly but this scares me!" 

I leaned over and one armed hugged her, "No no. You are not silly, you are juts scared. It happens Anjali. When I taught Shivani to drive, she would go to the extent where she would not even slow down because she would have a brain freeze and then tell me to ask the roadside dog to move out of her way. Can you imagine? Come on, please stop crying, Anjali. "

She was sniffling now, "An-ja-li, I am here. Ok? There is no need to feel scared. Driving a car is very very easy. It's much easier than driving a two wheeler and much safer too. And if you do manage to run over a couple of cars, remember they are here for repairs." I chuckled hoping she would feel better and she did ! She giggled between her sniffs.  

"What if the cars are ready to get back to its owners?" She asked me with clearly visible tears tracks. 

I chuckled, "Sai keeps such cars locked in the garage."

I then saw in the side view mirror that Sai was approaching us. I straightened up and removed my arm from Anjali. "Come on, sssh now. Punjabi aadmi se shaadi hui hai aapki. Sherni wala andaaz hona chahiye aapka. Nothing will happen and the pigeon flew away." I pointed to the empty garage space.

You are married to a Punjabi now. You should have the attitude of a lioness.

Sai was standing by the car window my side, his hands clearly covered in oiling grease. "Shiv Bhai, any problem with the car? I can take a quick look." 

I smiled, "No, nothing like that. We were just getting started." 

Sai wished us good luck and headed back. A few minutes later, Anjali finally started the engine and slowly let go off the break after manually transmitting the gear to the first one. The car began inching ahead but the wife of mine hit on breaks instead of accelerator so we both jumped back in our seats even as the engine turned off. 

"See, good progress! I am proud of you!" I clapped with my hands. 
She blushed and then lowered her gaze. Staring into her own lap while her hands were at the steering wheel, she said shyly, "Shiv, aap bahot ache hain."

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