Back in Reality

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"Angela? Hello? Earth to Angela?"

I snapped and found Emily staring at me in amusement.

"What? I thought you've already gone outside."

"I have. Axel is calling for you."

"Oh, okay"

She smiles at me and gives me a knowing look again. She always do it everytime she sees me with Axel or he would ask her to call me. What happened with this lady. Such an unpredictable one.

I knocked to his door and as usual, no one would open the door but me. I saw Axel standing by the window with eyes fixed on the tree outside but his thoughts seem to be very far off from the tree.

I cleared my throat so that he would notice me but he's still in his deep thoughts.

"Uhm, señorito?"

"Oh, ah-yeah. Hello Gela."

"What can I do for you?"

"I need company."

What is wrong with this guy. These last few days he kept on ignoring me and driving me away everytime I attempted to clean his room. I thought girls are the only ones who are complicated. Someone should change that theory. I'm totally unaware that he's already just a step away from me that his breath was too loud for me to hear, his heartbeat, his face bored to mine. His eyes fixed on mine with an emotion so foreign to me.

"Help me Gela."


"Marry me?"


He didn't reply but his face looks like his totally in need for help. He looks so sad and torn and weary. Then I notice his face was pale and looks so stressed.

"You're out of your mind. Are you sick? I could take you to the hospital. Do you want some soup. I-"

"Gela, please. There's no one that could help me. They wanted me to marry a woman I look up to as a sister. A woman I don't really love."

"Didn't you think that the solution you came up is totally alike to your problem? I can't marry you. I just barely know you and I don't have any romantic feelings towards you."

"We could get divorce after a year."

"So, a personal maid marry her boss to help him with his problem then what's next?"

"I could pay you. I could give you everything you want."

"Did you ever think of the consequences? Just think of the shame you will be putting your family on and the judgments of the people towards me. I won't take that all." I know my voice is a bit louder and I don't have rights to yell at my boss but I just don't care right now. I won't put myself to shame with his crazy idea.

"I can't do what they want. I just can't."

There is pain in his voice but I'm not sure if I could help him. It's too big to deal with.

"We're in different levels in the society ladder. I hope you notice that."

"I don't care."

"I won't get any money from that doing. I sure am a poor woman but I could never be paid off for fooling other people."

He sits at the foot of his bed. He didn't speak nor move. I open the door without minding him.

"Fix your mind. There's still other solutions you can come up with. I will try to think some."

I walk out of his room then run to the maid's quarter. I lay in my bed and let the tears start to fall. I feel guilty for not helping him but it's way too much. It's to much.

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