The moon, the stars, and the lake

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As much as I want to go back to sleep, I just can't. That horrible dream kept me awake until morning. I need to see the timekeeper and ask him what that is all about,he's keeping something from me and I'm sure of that just based on his responses during our last meeting. I want answers now, it would take long if I find it myself and I can't wait that long. Call me an impatient brat but that's just me. I used to get what  I wanted in just a blink of an eye in my real world and I can't do what that old timekeeper wants me to do. I am me, I will always be me and there's is nothing that can change me, no one could, nobody could. I want answers and I want it right now. but how could I? I don't know when will the timekeeper show himself to me again.


"Hi Lydia!" I called out just when I entered the kitchen.

"You should change your waking time from now on Angela."

"Why? It's just 6 am. Emily told me most of the Elwoods wake up at around 7."

"It's different from Axel?"


"You should take this coffee to him. He asks for you just a while ago. He told me to ask you to bring this to him, he's in his study room."

"But where is his study room?"

"Haven't you gone to his room yet?"

"I have but I don't know where his study room is."

"He did'nt tell you?"

"No. He just told me not to go in a certain room."

"That is the room I've been meaning to. Now go."

"But he won't let me enter."

"The fact that he wants you to go now means he already trusts you. He never usually let someone enter his study room unless he trusts them. So go on, the coffee's getting cold."

I was about to leave when I remember something I wanna ask Lydia so I turn back. "Hey, Lydia."


"What time does Axel usually woke up?"

"Earliest is about 5:20."

"In the morning? Why so early?"

She just shrugged and say "We wouldn't know."

My head's completely blank as I made my way to Axel's room. I even forgot how I climbed the stairs without tripping. It was all because of that stupid dream and the answers I want to find. Is there really anyone who knew who I really was or even just how I came up to be here? What really is the reason why I was sent to this place aside from my expected change? Why was I even sent to this place? I completely blank until I felt my foot kicked something hard. That's just when I realize I was already in front of Axel's room. I knocked and waited for him to answer but there is no one who opens the door nor speaks. I just open the door by myself not thinking if it would make Axel angry or anoyed with my manners or just fire me. Eventually?

I made my way to the forbidden room of his. I knocked and someone opens it. Who else would it be but him. He gets the cup of coffee from my hands and I felt an unusual feeling just when his hands touches mine. It felt like a sudden electricity. I shake that feeling immediately and found Axel already sitting in his desk looking at me.

"You're zooming out just a while ago, in case you didn't know."

"Yeah, I just figure it out. Do you like something else or not 'cause I'll be helping Lydia do the cleaning today since I don't have something to do."

"You don't like to keep me company 'til I want to go outside?"

"I guess you're old enough to take care of yourself. See you later señorito."

And with that, I left him completely alone in his room. I don't care anyway. Wait a minute, care? CARE? That word, I forgot I have to deal with that. 


I was heading to mine and Emily's room when Cassie called my name.

"Angeeeeeeeelllllaaaaaaaaaaa" shouting as she runs to me.

I laugh at her. She's really cute though. "Hi Cassie." I replied as I pinched her cheeks. She's with her usual pink dress and pink sandals again.

"Where are you going?"

"To my room. I kind of feel exhausted so I would take a rest there for a while and go to the kitchen afterwards to help Lydia and others prepare dinner."

"Can I help?"

"Are you allowed? I mean do you get permission from your mom?"

"She won't mind. As long as I won't do anything bad."

"That's cool but you can just play in the living room for a while or watch tv. I'll just take a nap."

"Can I go to your room with you?"

"Cassie, it's not that you can't  but it would seem inappropriate for a beautiful princess like you to stay in the maids' quarter."

"But I-" We were interrupted by two voices arguing.

"I told you I won't do it." Axel yells and sounds really mad.

"You must do everything I say. I am your father and you have to obey me." It's Mr. Elwood this time.

"That's the thing. You are my father, you intend to support me in everything I want to do, not to boss around me."

"It's not what fathers always do Alexander."


"You come back here Alexander James Elwood. You're father isn't done talking to you." Amanda comes from what I assume is Mr. Elwood's study room.

Axel didn't talk back to his mom or even turn to her but just holds my wrist tight and drags me out of the house.

"You can let go of my hand. It's hurting me."

"I'm sorry."

"Where are we going?"

"To the woods." He replied and keeps on walking.

"It's already 5 pm"


I followed him but my mouth doesn't stop me from asking stupid questions. "Aren't we gonna ride in a horse? As far as I'm concern it is quite farther from here and-"

"Do you know how to ride a horse?"

"Uhm, no."

"That's the answer to your question and also, I don't want to go back there."

"Oh, okay."

We continued walking until we stopped in a spot near the lake. He sat in the grass and motion me to follow him. I sat there and look at the sorroundings. The sky is getting dark and some stars are already showing. The moon shines and it's very beautiful. And then I sense of something dèjá vu. I feel like I've been here before but I don't know when did it happen. Axel suddenly speaks that made me startled.

"I'm sorry you have to hear that."

"Uhm, do you want to talk about it? You know, just to feel better."

He shook his head. "Not today."

"Okay, maybe I'll just give you a hug."

I slung my arms to his neck and he froze for a minute but recovered and wrapped his arms in my waist. I was shocked by my own action but stay still for a while. I don't know anything about comforting aside from giving someone a hug so I did it but it feels so different. Maybe because it's my first time doing this thing. I break the silence between the both of us.

"Uhm, maybe we should head home now. It's getting really dark."

"No." Axel answered without moving from the hug. "Can we just stay here like this for a while?"

I didn't talk but just nod my head as approval.

"Thank you Angela."

I didn't talk but just hugged him back as he tightens his hold around me but I could still feel care from his hands as if I'm a fragile glass that could easily be broken. And then I feel like I've been in this place before. Then I suddenly remember, it was like in my dreams.

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