Sasuke One-shot

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Sasuke one shot

Info :)

Name: Haru Hatake

Age: 16

Family: Kakashi Hatake (Brother) White Fang (father)

Looks: white grey hair like Kakashi that goes down to the middle of her back she has grey eyes with green flecks in them. She is at medium height, toned body but is still feminine looking.

Rank: Anbu black ops captain

Personality: very serious and emotionless when on missions but around friends she full of life and happiness

Clothing: she wears a long sleeved black shirt much like Kakashis but tighter to her body with short black shorts and black ninja sandals

Background: obviously she was the daughter of the hidden leafs well known ninja The White Fang. She was always top of her class just like her brother and even graduated earlier then a normal child her age would. Life was hard living under two well known ninjas her father and her big brother who was known as the copy cat ninja. Sure all her life she was known as the little sister of the copy cat ninja or daughter of the white fang but, one mission changed how people knew her. She became the white flash just like the fourth Hokage except for the hair color because she had white hair where as his was yellow. Now she is sixteen years of age and tracking down her best friend Sasuke who has been gone for three years.

Story begin:

It has been three years since I have seen those dark onyx eyes that made my stomach do flips. Three years since I was wrapped in that warm embrace that I wished I could have been in forever, but it seems that luck was not on my side. Here I am searching for this person we have lost three years ago and we still haven't found a trace of where he may be. This teenager, Sasuke Uchiha is the one I have spent three years tracking down and it's as if he knows that I have been searching for him. Covering up his tracks so that I don't get close like he is avoiding me or just doesn't want to be found. Why would he do this to me I thought we were best friends or maybe even more. My tears for the lose have all but dried up now and I am filled with emptiness, the boy I fell in love with has left me behind as if I was nothing to him in the first place. "Haru are you ready to go I heard that Naruto came back from his training today" my brother asked me. "Yes brother I have been ready for quite some time now but of course you wouldn't know that because you have your head stuck in those nasty perverted books of yours" I said to him without a hint of emotion. Ever since Sasuke left I have become emotionless maybe I wasn't as bad back then but now I am stone cold wiped clean of any type of emotion. Before Naruto left for training I would smile here and there but the moment he left me behind I became what I am today. A shell of the person I used to be, void of any emotion. Needless to say that when my two best friends left me I was never the same. "Come on Haru your best friend is back from his three years of training the least you could do is put some kind of emotion on your face. How do you think Naruto will feel when he sees how depressing you have become?" he asked me, I knew he always worried about me because a girl my age was always out with her friends when she was home from missions and they even showed emotion. I however spend all my time on missions or training leaving no room for me to spend time with the friends I used to hangout with practically 24/7. "Fine but only for Naruto" I said to my brother while plastering a fake smile on my face. "I guess that will do for now come on we are late as it is" he said to me before exiting the house. I followed closely behind closing the door on my way out. The walk was filled with silence so I was left to my thoughts. 'Sasuke why did you leave me' I thought to myself as I remembered the day he left.


It was a warm sunny day. The grass swayed lightly as the warm breeze blew through the field I was in under the lone tree. The day was perfect here I was enjoying the feel of the lush grass that was under me and the presence of my best friend. "Haru promise me that whatever happens in the future we will always stay together even if one of us is away for a while" Sasuke said while leaning against the rough bark of the tree. "I promise Sasuke and you better promise that if we ever do get separated you have to come back to me at some point" I told him as I reached for his hand. He got the message and grabbed my hand entwining our fingers in the process. I wish that day could have lasted like that forever but, like everything good it had to come to an end.

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