Kiba One-shot

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Kiba One-shot

Name: Meeko Haruno

Village: Leaf Village

Rank: Jonin (Medical Ninja)

Age: 15

Looks: She has red hair with a pink tint to it that falls down to the small of her back in natural ringlets. Her eyes are a blue-green that you could lose yourself in. She may be short but she is curvaceous and more well endowed than her sister (but then again to be honest it’s not that hard).

Clothing: Normally wears jean Capri pants that suck to curvaceous legs but still allow her to move comfortably and still have flexibility. She wears a gray long sleeved shirt that yet again hugs her curves. On top of that she wears Black Ninja sandals, her jonin vest, and her head band which is tied around her right thigh.

Personality: She is a sweet girl who cares for everyone well being. She is very shy around her crush but has to suck it up when she has to tend to his wounds. Over all she is a happy go lucky person that is fun to be around.

Background: Her background isn’t to interesting grew up in a good home with no problems what so ever. She has an older sister that is a year older, but she always seems to out shine her older sister when it comes to the ninja life. Graduated from the academy a year earlier than Sakura and decided to train as a medical ninja but still be able to become a jonin. When her sister finally graduated Meeko had been promoted to Chunin and a year later Jonin after mastering medical ninjutsu. Still nothing major happened in her life. Life was normal even with the major achievements at a young age. Another thing that was different about Meeko from her sister is that she somehow could capture every guys eye even Sakura’s beloved Sasuke. Of course her sister was jealous that Sasuke liked Meeko and not her but she still loved her little sister.

~Start Story~

It was just another day at the hospital and of course things were slow since not many ninjas were on missions right now so they had no reason to be hurt. Most of the wounds she had seen today were just simple scratches that were not life threatening. Of course just healing those would be boring Not that I am asking for someone to come rushing in with something life threatening, but still life gets boring you are doing nothing. I just wanted to go on a mission something I hadn’t done in a while, but I was told that I needed to stay here because they didn’t want something to go wrong and have their best medical ninja gone on a mission. Still I would like to go help in the field it’s what I was trained to do not just to be a doctor in the hospital.

I was just sitting at my desk reading when I felt someone walk up behind me. I turned around when I was met by a face that I knew so well. Just looking at him I could feel my heart beat speed up as the blood was rushing to my face. I felt like my cheeks were on fire from the blush that was spreading across my face. I don’t know what it was but the way he looked so wild with his windswept brown hair, his eyes were brown with an animalistic look to them, and every time I have had to heal a scratch on his chest I couldn’t help but stare at how muscular he really was. “U-uuuh Meeko can you hear me” Kiba said waving a hand in front of my face. I did it once again stared off into space day dreaming about Kiba somehow I did that often. “U-Uh I-I’m sorry Kiba what d-did you say” I stuttered feeling my face heat up even more if that was even possible. I was always shy around Kiba and never could find a way to cure it. “I was here to tell you that Lady Tusnade wants to see you and she asked me to come and get you” He replied brushing off my stuttering. “T-thank you Kiba tell her I will be there after I clock o-out” I said to him. “Ok I will meet you there” He said before poofing away probably to the Hokage mansion.

I sat back in my chair trying to steady my shallow breaths and hopefully slow my heart rate down. I don’t know what it was about him, but he has always had that effect on me since I met him when I visited Sakura when she first started in the academy.

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