Gaara one-shot

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Gaara One-shot

Name: Honkoa

Age: 21

Village: Hidden leaf

Rank: Anbu Captain also co-sensei with Kakashi

Looks: long orangish-red hair that goes to the middle of her back, grey eyes with blue flecks in them. Tall curvaceous body, but is still slim that causes her to have fan boys ( :P )

Personality: mostly emotionless till she is around people she is good friends with then she becomes the life of the party pretty much. Also she is very caring towards the one she loves but a hard sensei who works you to the bone.

Clothing: Normally she wears a tight black three quarter sleeved shirt, short black shorts, black ninja sandals, and her jonin vest. Though after her mission that caused her to be away from her village for three years her clothing had changed. Now she wears a sleeveless corset top that is tied with red string down the middle of it tying it together, her shorts are still black short shorts, followed by her black ninja sandals, and  the necklace she was given by Gaara before she left for her mission.

Background: She was born to two powerful ninjas one being the Akatsuki leader Yahiko and a strong ninja from the leaf whose name was Kancera. Her mother possessed the bayakugan, sharingan, and the tigreagan (helps her see her chakra as well as others, but she can also control animals with this kekkei genkai) and of Course we know her father has the rinnegan. When these too came together they created an ultimate child that had gained all of those Kekkei genkai. As she grew up her father left leaving her and her mother to fend for themselves. They moved to the leaf when she was just two years old where her mother had been born. They were really good friends with the fourth Hokage as well as his wife. Two years later her father came looking for her killing her mother in the process. Since she was such great friends with the fourth they took her in as if she was their own blood. Luck was not on her side though she lost her adoptive parents a year later to the nine tails and left her with Naruto who she ended up raising. Through that time she became top of her class going in early so she was with Kakashi surpassing even him. She quickly rose through the ranks becoming the leafs strongest ninja at such a young age. She helped train team seven, but during the three years that they were apart she was on a secret mission that took the three years to accomplish. She was the only one who could succeed when it came to this mission.

Start Story

I had finally gotten out the group alive and I was on my way home to report to lady Tsunade letting her know that my mission was a success. On my way home I decided that I Should stop in Suna to see Gaara and his siblings. Me and Gaara had gotten close before I left on this mission I mean sure he was younger than me, but only by five years, that honestly isn’t that bad. I remember all those dreams I have had about him the red head that could make my heart beat a million beats per minute. Somehow I had fallen in love with him when I first met him at the Chunin exams. Of course we met on bad terms because Naruto the annoying boy that he was seemed to piss him off. Good old Naruto I was wondering how his training was going with Jiraiya-sensei. I quickly hoped through the forest when the trees started to thin out and the ground started to become sandy that was how I knew that I was almost to Suna. I was about to explode with excitement the closer I got to the village. I haven’t seen him or his siblings in three years of course over that period of time everyone would have grown up and changed a little bit. Me well I haven’t changed much I may have gained more muscle and even a new style, but overall nothing much has changed when it comes to my appearance.

Arriving at the gates I could already see that security was fairly laid back yet, that didn’t stop them from asking what I was doing in their village. I replied telling them I was here to see Gaara after I told them who I was and showed them my head band. They let me pass not long after the questions they had asked me to prevent anything bad from happening to the village or their Kazekage. When I entered they gates I was amazed to see how much it had changed in the amount of time that I hadn’t been here. The streets were clear of ruble and there were even less people living on the streets. I guess their new Kazekage was doing a good job taking care of them. I didn’t know who the new Kazekage was though I was hoping whoever they were they could tell me where I could possibly find the red head. Trudging along the streets I was met with some familiar faces of sand ninja that I have worked with before. It was good to see them again of course we weren’t good friends, but we were comrades at one point so I happened to care about them.

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