Naruto character one-shots

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Neji One-Shot

Name: Lilly Nara

Age: 18 (same age as Neji)

Village: Konoah

Family: Shikamaru (little brother by a year)

Shikaku (Father)

Yoshino (mother)

Appearance: Long wavy chocolaty hair, Brown eyes, Hourglass figure, Kinda looks like Shikamaru, but more womanly.

Personality: Sweet, Lazy but gets things done, intense in battle, laid back, and down to earth

Height: 5 feet and 8 inches

Rank: Anbu

Background: First born to Shikaku and Yoshino and next in line to become the head of the Nara clan. She has mastered her shadow possession at young age. She first became friends with Neji when they were about 5 years old and just entering the Academy and got a crush on him, but never showed it because she didn't want to look like a fan girl which he really appreciated and came to feel the same way as she did. When she graduated she was put on different team as Neji. Her rookie year she took the chunin exams passing the exams becoming a chunin before Neji. Later during the two years that Naruto had left she became a Jonin and shortly becoming an anbu. She helped out in the fourth great ninja war helping out her brother's squad.

Present time

I had just got back from a mission with the rest of my Anbu teammates. I had gone to report to Tusenade since Danzo had killed himself while facing Sasuke, but like I really cared I didn't like that man one bit he just creeped me out. I had arrived into lady Hokages office with my mask still on. Knocking on the door I heard her say "Enter" and I did so finding her talking to Neji my best friend and crush. I removed my mask since everyone in the room knew who I was. "Good evening Lady Hokage" I said bowing to her to show respect. "I have my mission reports for you" I said handing them to her. "Thank you Lilly you have done such a good job lately that I want to promote you to Anbu captain" She said handing me a new mask that showed the other Anbus my rank. "Congratulations Lilly" Neji said giving me a hug. "Thank you Neji I guess I better go and tell my parents they will be so proud of me" I said before poofing away in a cloud of smoke.

Neji's POV

"Anyways lady Tsunade you were saying about that party we are throwing for Lilly does everyone know where it is since the other anbus have already set everything up" I asked I was so proud of her I just wish I could tell her how I really feel I mean I don't want to ruin our friendship or anything if she doesn't feel the same way. "Yes Neji everything is under control just bring her to the Inuzuka compound by 5 and I think you should tell her how you feel I bet you she feels the same way you do" Lady Tsunade replied. I cont believe she said that, but it made me think what if she really did feel the same way maybe I should just ask. "Thank you lady Tsunade and I guess there is no harm in asking her" I replied before leaving her office. Dose she really feel that way about me I mean I hope she does I thought to myself. Maybe I should go talk to Shikamaru he may know. Then I set of to find Shikamaru I mean if anyone knows what she thinks it has to be him because he is closer to her then I am and that is saying a lot since we tell each other everything.

It had taken me a good half an hour just to find that lazy man. He was up on a hill under a tree watching the clouds as they floated by. I walked up to him and sat right next to him. "What's up Neji have you seen my sister yet" Shikamaru asked "Ya I have I was in Tsunade's office talking about her surprise party when she came in" I replied. "Ah I see so now she is going to be troublesome bouncing off the walls with excitement when I return home what a drag" "Umm hey Shikamaru I have a question to ask you" "ok well what is it" he replied in his lazy tone. "Well um do you know who your sister likes by chance" I asked scared to hear what he has to say. "Why Neji do you LOVE my sister" He asked with a smirk. "I don't have to answer that" I said defensively with heat crawling up my neck. "Whatever well if you must know she likes this Hyuuga, but I didn't tell you anything" he said winking at me. I knew who exactly he was talking about and it sent butterflies into my stomach knowing that she feels the same way. "Thanks Shikamaru I have to go get ready to pick your sister up could you tell her I will be seeing her at 5 to take her to the party she doesn't know about" I asked him. "What a drag fine I will and if you break my sisters heart I will come after you" He replied. I just nodded my head showing that I have taken the threat to heart. I would never hurt the girl that I am in love with. I had ran home to get ready for this party and pick Lilly up.

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