Rick lee one-shot

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Rock lee one shot

Name: Sadie Yamikaze

Age: 19

Village: Sunagakure (sand village)

Rank: Jonin

Description: dirty blonde short hair that is an a-line cut. The tips reach the bottom of her jaw, Hazel eyes, and a very slim figure for the years of training as well as a fairly flat chest.

Clothing: a fishnet three quarter sleeved shirt under her sand Jonin vest, grey shorts that go to her mid thigh, black fingerless, ninja head band tied around her right bicep, and black ninja sandals.

Personality: a little head strong but she is defiantly a sweet heart and doesn't care about a persons looks only there personality.

Background: She has always had a good life. Friends with everyone even Gaara though she didn't see him much. She is an average ninja but that doesn't her feel like she was useless. Ever since the treaty with the leaf she has always been chosen as the person to go and help them when they needed it. Of course she participated in the fourth ninja war. Since she was mostly a Tiajutsu user she stuck pretty close to Lee's side fighting along side him. During that war she had grown to really admire Lee and how hard he had fought to save the ninja world from Obito and the rest of the Akatsuki. Now the war is over and she helps out with the relations between the sand and the leaf.

~Story start~

It was just another day, another mission like every other one she had received. Help the leaf out with one of their missions that required a sand ninja to strengthen bond. I wasn't complaining though because this mission was going to be with someone that I had come to really like over the war we had all participated in. Lee, he was the one I looked up and even had a little crush on. Every time I thought about him my blood started to rush to my cheeks heating them up and probably causing them to have a pink tint to them. My stomach twisted in notes just at the sound of his sweet voice.

I loved his hair how it slightly shifted as the wind blew through it looking as if it was as soft as a puppies coat. There was something about his eyes that made me weak at the knees and it was probably because they had such kindness showing in them it would literally take my breath away. Even his smile white as could be and when ever he smiled causing the light to glint off of them my heart skipped a beat. He somehow had captivated me something no other man that I have seen has been able to do before.

I was hopping from branch to branch feeling the wind blowing against me as if it was resisting the movements I was making. The trees blurred by me as I picked up my pace so I could be to the village in time. Somehow a wide smile was spread across my face just thinking that every step I took I was closer to seeing Lee and all his glory. I kept jumping till the trees started to thin out causing me to jump down to the ground and continue to journey too the gate that was at least a hindered feet in front of me. Taking a deep breath I slowed down so I could state the reason I was visiting.

I was let in not even a minute before I arrived at the greeters box. I hurried to the Hokages mansion that sat in front of a giant mountain with five faces carved into them. That was the way they created a monument for their leaders where as we created stone statues that sat in the meeting room. I entered the mansion and was greeted by the secretary who sat at a desk near the entrance asking if people had an appointment or were summoned by the Hokage. Of course when I flashed my ninja head band to her she let me proceed to my destination. Knocking on the door I heard a harsh female tone yell enter letting me know that I was able to enter the office. "Hello Lady Hokage I was told by Gaara-sama that you were in need of a Sand ninja" I said bowing to her to show my respect. "Yes, that's right Sadie I needed a sand ninja to help us out with our Jonin finals you will be working with Lee and a few others" she told while placing her head on her intertwined hands that were laying on the desk. "Thank you lady Hokage and where would I be able to find Lee-san at this time of day" I asked. "He will be over at our ninja academy probably helping Iruka out with some of the kids" she said to me. "Thank you ma'am" I said bowing once more before I excited through the huge oak door.

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