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Naruto one shot

Name: Maddy Inuzuka

Age: 16 (a year younger than Naruto)

Family: Kiba (bother) Hana(sister) Tusemi(mother)

Partner in crime: Hinata and fey (your ninja dog)

Rank: Jonin

Description: long red hair with dark blue eyes and an hour glass figure along with the Inuzuka red upside down triangles on the face

Personality: sweet, down to earth, likes to have fun (not in a sexual way perverts), can be hyper at times, and serious when need be

Clothes: mostly dark jean short shorts, typical black ninja sandals, and a black long sleeved shirt with the Jonin vest on top and the forehead protector around the left thigh kuni pouch on right thigh.

Background: dearest little sister of Kiba who was in the same grade as him even though she is a year younger then him she is still advanced enough to be in that position. She was placed on Kibas team along with Shino and her best friend who is also her partner in crime Hinata. They were best friends since their first year at the academy and she was her backbone that helped her along and even become stronger even if she didn't show her strength to other people. She had always admired Naruto for his strength and even developed a crush on him. Unlike Hinata she never fainted when she was with him.

Present time (she is now 17 while everyone is 18)

It was a beautiful day outside and the temperature was just right to make everything perfect. The sky was a bright blue and had a couple of lone clouds floating peacefully up in the sky. The streets were crowded with people who were running errands or just out for a walk. One teenage girl was skipping down the streets to the beat of a song she was listening on her iPhone as well singing along to it. "Starships were meant to fly hands up and touch the sky can't stop cuz were so high let's do this one more time Starships were meant fly hands up and touch the sky lets do this one last time we're higher then a mother fu****" Maddy sang as she happily skipped down the beautiful roads of Konoha that were filled with friendly villagers that never cared about her dancing down the streets because it was a normal thing for them to see the young Jonin doing this. "Maddy stop your embarrassing me I can't believe I have to call you my sister because this is just awful" Kiba said trying to hide his face from people's view. "Kiba-nii-chan there is nothing you should be embarrassed about I am just dancing and look the villagers don't mind either besides you know that you love me" she replied using her puppy dog eyes on him. "Fine you got me there, but still Maddy do you really need to do that in public what if Naruto ran into us while you were acting like that" he said hoping that his name would stop her from doing what she was doing, but it did the exact opposite she just decided to dance and sing more "hahaha I don't ca if he sees me acting like a weirdo why would I act like something I am not around him" she replied "around who Maddy-chan" said a certain blond headed kid that had captured Maddy's heart since the day she met him. "Oh hey Naruto I didn't know you were here and by the sound of it you caught the end of our discussion so therefore you will probably never now and if you excuse me I need to go help Hinata with something" she replied to him turning around and running off to find her best friend before he could catch the tears forming in her eyes 'why do you have to be so stupid Naruto to not realize that I love you always have and always will an knowing you my discussion with Kiba will always be unknown to you' Maddy thought to her self wiping away the tears that slowly leaked down her cheeks while trying to find Hinata whom Maddy need to desperately talk to.

~Naruto's POV~

I was walking around till I spotted my the Inuzuka siblings. Kiba looked as if he was getting irritated with Maddy the younger of the two who was dancing around and signing as she went. I couldn't help, but smile at the sight I loved how Maddy was always happy and joyful and the fact that she wasn't afraid to show people who she really was made her even more like able even that Teme had to admit that he liked whether it be as a friend or more, but I was seriously hoping that it was just as a friend because he always ends up getting girls. I walked over to the two siblings catching the end of their discussion "....... why would I act like something I am not around him" said Maddy in the most angelic voice I have ever heard "around who Maddy-chan" I asked wanting to know who she was talking about and why she needed to act like anything, but herself around this guy. Honestly it made me kind of jealous that she was trying to impress this guy when I wanted her to be mine is that too much to ask for. "Oh hey Naruto I didn't know you were here and by the sound of it you caught the end of our discussion so therefore you will probably never now and if you excuse me I need to go help Hinata with something" she said before running off I didn't even get to reply to her, but before she could leave so quickly I cauht a glimpse of a tear rolling downer face. 'Why was she crying did I say something I wasn't suppose to' I thought to myself before turning to Kiba. "Way to go baka you made her cry this is just great if she goes home my mom is going to kill me for letting someone hurt her" he said with a low growl "what did I do I didn't say anything to her I was just wondering who you guys were talking about" I said very confused now and I swear that I didn't say anything to her that would have made her cry. "That's just it Baka we were talking about you and how your too stupid to see that's he likes you a lot and has for a while and you never realized it or even showed that same emotion back to her" he yelled at me before storming off in the same direction that Maddy went hoping to find her and cheer her up. 'she likes me she truly likes what I am doing here I should be chasing her down so I can tell her that I feel the same way' I thought before running off in the same direction Kiba ran off in.

Maddy's POV :)

I ran all over the village to see if I could find Hinata, but she was no where to be found so and I guessed she was on a mission. I couldn't take it any longer so I walked over to the tree in front of the academy that had a swing attached to it. I couldn't holdback the tears anymore so I collapsed at the base of the tree pulling my knees to my chest and laying my head on them so my tear stained face was covered from people who would walk past me. 'Why Naruto why cant see how much I love you and why can't you just return the feelings it's no fair' I thought to myself as I cried silently into my knees. I was to bust crying to not feel the presences of someone walking up to me until they were sitting next to me and pulling me to their chest in a warming hug. "Maddy I am so sorry I didn't mean to make you cry" the blond said to me while rubbing my arm in a soothing motion. "It's fine Naruto-kun I have reason to be crying" I said trying to not tell him the real reason I was crying. "No it's my fault I should have seen how you felt earlier, but I guess I was to caught up in my feeling for you to not see that you felt the same way about me if I wasn't so blind I wouldn't have made you cry" he said to me. I was shocked he felt the same way no that can't be this must be a dream so I decided to pinch myself to wake me up. No such luck so that means what he said was true he actually does like me. "Naruto I..." I started but was interrupted by a pair of soft warm lips kissing mine. I couldn't believe it he actually kissed me, but he pulled back to soon for me and it caused my face to droop a little with disappointment clouding my eyes. "Maddy I love you so much I always have and always will I can't explain how much I love so will you go out with me I will make it up to you for all the times I missed the signs" he said to me. "Yes Naruto I will hehehe oh and I love you too" I said before kissing him again.


Well Naruto proposed to her after about two years of dating and of course she said yes. They were married shortly after that and got busy that night ;). After the birth of their first daughter Miko Naruto finally achieved his dream of becoming Hokage after lady Tsunade stepped down from the position. They had a couple more kids who grew up to become exceptional ninja and Miko their first born took after her father becoming Hokage after he stepped down.


I hope you liked it so don't forget to comment and even suggest stories I should write or one-shots :)

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