Iruka One-shot

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Iruka One-shot

It was a cool spring evening when I was walking down the hall of the newly rebuilt academy. I had stacks of papers in my hands waiting to be graded, oh joy, my least favorite thing to do as a teacher. I know I shouldn't be complaining because I am helping our village by teaching the next generation of ninjas, but still when it comes down to the papers it sometimes makes me think about why I wanted to become a teacher instead of a ninja who protected this village. I heaved a loud sigh as I continued my way down the hall not paying any attention to where I was going. The next thing I knew there were papers all over the place and my rear end had hit the floor.

"Oh my gosh Mina I am so sorry I didn't see you there," a soft voice said. I looked up to see a hand offered to me for help and I gladly took it without a second thought as too who it was. When our hands connected I felt a spark meaning that this hand belonged to only one person.

"It's alright Iruka I wasn't paying attention to where I was going either," I said giving him a warm smile. I looked at the ground to see the white pieces of paper scattered all around us.

"Let me help you clean these up," Iruka said while bending down to pick up the papers.

"Thank you," I replied before bending down as well to pick them up. We were shuffling the papers in to a big pile that would be easier to pick up. A few times our hands would brush and I would feel little spikes of electricity go through out my body and making little butterflies flutter in my stomach. The papers were cleaned up fairly quickly and soon there were to giant stacks of paper ready to be combined into one.

"Do you need help carrying these, if you do why don'y you come to my classroom and we can grade our papers together. What do you say," he asked me with such a sweet smile.

"I would like that," I replied as I picked up one of the stacks that wasn't already in his hands.

"OK off we go," he said sounding like a little kid as he rushed off in the direction of his classroom. I thought it was hilarious how one minute he could be a serious mature adult and the next he was a little kid running through the school hallways. I followed behind him at a slower pace. I didn't want to seem like a little love sick puppy who would follow the person they were in love with wherever they went. It didn't take me very long to stop in front of the open doorway, only to see Iruka practically bouncing up and down like he had just one a game of shoji against Shikamaru for the very first time. I couldn't hold my laugh in so I burst out laughing at how cute he was.

"Iruka what are you doing," I asked unable to keep the amusement out of my voice. When I spoke he automatically froze with his hands in the air and slowly turned around to face me.

"I was u-uuu-m dancing and ya," he stuttered out while taking one of his hands that was ub the air to rub the back of his neck sheepishly.

"It's ok if you would like to continue you may, don't let me hold you back. Besides I thought it was very cute," I said finally stepping into the room to place my stack of papers on his desk.

"Ummmm I am good," he said as his cheeks tuned a bright red. He quickly sat in his seat while I pulled up a chair so I could begin working on the papers. The dreaded time had come when I would spend hours trying to grade some little kids work. Iruka pulled out a stack of papers as well and we got right down to work. nothing could be hear, but the scratching of pen as we marked something wrong or putting the score on the top of the paper. The silence wasn't awkward if anything it was peaceful, with two friends, even if I saw him as more, sitting together doing their work.

"Iruka is their ever some one that you think about all the time," I asked breaking the silence between the two of us.

"Ya there is,i think about her night and day. Sometimes I can't even sleep when I think about whether she feels the same way about me or not," He replied taking a small break in his grading to lean back in his chair. I felt my heart break when he said she. 'So that means there is someone who as already claimed your heart,' I thought to myself sadly, but I kept a small smile on my face to hide the hurt.

"Wy don't you tell her how you feel," I asked trying to be the good friend that gives the other confidence to do something.

"Well truth be told I don't want to mess up what we have. I mean I like her a lot, but I don't think she feels the same about me and I don't want things to get awkward between us," He sighed looking out the window with a distant look. 'He must mean that he like Kurenai because they are pretty close friends, maybe not as close as he and I are, but they are still pretty close,' I thought feeling even worse because I knew how pretty Kurenai is.

"I think you should tell her and if she doesn't fell the same you can always make up the excuse that you were practicing to tell someone else and you wanted to catch them by surprise like you would with the girl that you were in love with," I told him hoping that he could be happy at least knowing what his loved one would say to him.

"I guess, but can I practice with you Mina," he asked giving me a pleading look.

"Ya I am always here to help you Iruka," I said to him putting a fake smile on to cover up how much pain I as feeling right now.

"OK ummm Ellie would you uuum possibly be my girlfriend," He said twiddling his fingers as he started to get nervous.

"I would love to Iruka," I said wishing this was a really confession. HIs face lite up for a second before it went to a semi sad look. I couldn't tell what was going on, but I wished that I could comfort him, but if I did it may have been to awkward.

"Alright now go tell the real girl, don't worry I will lock your room up when I leave," I said to him trying to keep my voice from cracking and the tears from falling down my face.

"But the thing is I already told the girl and i bet she doesn't feel the same," he said quietly to the point where I had to use my ninja senses to hear what he had just said. When I heard him say that he just did, my heart started beating faster and the little butterflies returned to my stomach. He was talking about me and now he thinks that I had just had forever put him in the friend zone. I couldn't take his sad look anymore so I jumped out of my chair and rushed to him, jumping into his lap to give hi a big great hug. I don't know what I was doing, I guess you could say that I had no control over my body, but I felt my body lean into his causing our lips to touch. I could feel his soft lips against mine as they were hesitant to kiss back. I pulled away when my lungs started to protest for oxygen.

"Iruka I didn't know that you liked me, but I can assure you that I like you back," I told him with a big smile . He didn't say anything back instead he grabbed my chin lightly and placed his soft lips on mine kissing me back. I didn't know that such things that you hate like papers that you need to grade could become the reason as to how you found your true love.

I hope you liked it this was for someone who requested one on Quotev. I am sorry I updated these so late and I am only doing two my last two requests before I finish this becasue I haven't been able to think of good ideas for naruto fanfiction lately. I am sorry you had to wait for another update and that I won't be taking anymore requests.

Thank you for reading,


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