Rock Lee One-shot

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Rock-Lee One-shot

Name: Ayame Maito

Age: 17 (same age as Lee)

Appearance: Long straight black hair, Dark brawn almost black eyes, small but muscular body

Clothing: she wears skinny dark jeans, a tight green long sleeved shirt that shows her mid-drift as well as defining her muscular body. She isn’t body builder muscular she still has a feminine shape with an average sized chest. She does not have large eyebrows even if she looks like the female version of her older brother.

Rank: Jonin

Personality: She is hardcore when it comes to training never stopping, but overall she is a sweetheart who doesn’t judge a person until she really gets to know them. Very caring and youthful as her brother would say.

Background: Ever since she could run she was started training with her older Guy. She mostly used Taijutsu but knows some ninjutsu as well as genjutsu. Even when she was young she pushed herself hard to get better training every chance she got. When she got the academy she became good friends with Neji even though he was all about destiny, but gained his respect when she defeated him during a spar. Ever since they had been inseparable, even getting on the same team after graduation along with Tenten and Lee. Going on missions with her team created new bonds that were unbreakable even by some situations that were tough on them. Throughout their training Ayame started to gain feelings for fellow teammate Lee who impressed her with how hard he worked to become a ninja. She never judged him when she found out he couldn’t do jutsu’s in fact it only made her respect him even more.

~Start of story~

I lay in a field of flowers breathing heavily after my spar with Lee. He was really good and I had always respected how hard he pushed himself to become this good exceeding everyone’s expectations. I looked over to my right to see Lee lying down next to me spread out and breathing just as heavily as I was. Today had been a nice day perfect temperature for training with a good friend who I happened to have feelings for and well one thing led to another and now here we are drenched with sweat from the intense spar we had. I am pretty sure I am going to have bruises on my arms from when I blocked a few of his hits. “Ayame that was a good spar you are very good so filled with youth” Lee said once he had steadied his breath. I looked over at him watching as he stared at the sky a smile stretched across his face. I giggled thinking his smile was so cute “why thank you but truth be told I think you are ten times better than I am” I said truthfully. “I think we are pretty evenly matched” He said turning his head so that he was looking at me know. I smiled at him he always gave someone else the credit or found some way to find improvement in what he did. “No I don’t think so” I smiled turning my head so I was watching the clouds now. “Hey do you want to go get something to eat” Lee asked me suddenly getting up blocking the sun in the process. “Sure Race you there” I yelled getting up and running off before he could even reply to me.

It wasn’t long before I noticed lee was gaining on me. He was always the fastest of the group he and my brother would always push each other in races causing Lee to become even faster. Fortunately for me I was almost to the dumpling shop so I picked up my pace a little bit so I could get to the shop before him. I was almost there when I saw lee right by my side matching my pace. When we were a yard away he picked up the pace beating me seconds later to the front of the shop. “That… is soooo….. not fair..” I said between breaths. Placing my hands behind my head so I could open up my air ways and steady my breath. I looked over at Lee to see that he didn’t even break a sweat when he was running, but that didn’t stop him from giving me his thumbs up and gleaming smile pose. “That was fair Ayame-chan I went easy on you” he said not making the situation any better. “Fine fine lets just get something to eat I am starving” I said walking into the shop. When I was in the shop I spotted our teammates sitting in a booth with Kiba and Naruto chatting away as they ate their dumplings. I walked over to them with a smile on my face and sat next to Neji. “Hey guys what’s up” I asked noticing that Lee had sat across from me next to Naruto. “Aya-Chan” Naruto shrieked with that goofy grin plastered on his face. Somehow that smile just brightened my day every time I saw making me want to smile whenever I was around him. “Hey Naru-chan how are you today,” I asked him a smile still on my face. “Great how are you and bushy-brows I assumed you guys were out training” He asked me taking a bite of his dumpling. “Yep we were and Lee beat me again” I said looking over at him to see that he was conversing with Neji about something I wasn’t even listening too. “Well I bet it was hard for him to win the match you are really good Aya-chan” He said smiling with his mouth full of food. “Thanks but, Lee is much better than I am” I said. “So bushy-brows how is the whole Sakura thing going” Naruto asked turning his attention to lee. “Well not very good right now I don’t think she even likes me besides there is someone else I kind of like right now” Lee said with a dreamy look in his eye. I couldn’t watch him talk about girls he liked anymore so I abruptly got up apologizing to them saying I had to go meet my brother before running out of the shop. I was a few meters away from the shop when I felt something wet trailing down my cheek.

I reached up to feel what it was discovering that I was crying I picked up my pace rushing home so no one would see me like this. I hated crying in front of people I felt like it was a weakness I had even though my brother had told me it wasn’t weak to cry, but I still thought it was for me anyways. I still couldn’t believe that there was another girl that had stolen Lee’s heart and I couldn’t help but wonder who and, why he couldn’t see that I had feelings for him. I picked up my pace even more so I could get to my house within minutes. Yes it was my house I moved away from my brothers a little over a year ago which in my opinion was a good thing at times like this because I didn’t want my brother all up in my business trying to find out why I was crying. I launched myself at my door opening it quickly before shutting it behind me and locking it so the Lee couldn’t get in when he came looking for me. He happens to do that a lot show up at random times entering my house without knocking. I couldn’t deal with seeing him right now especially when seeing him would just make me feel worse knowing that he would never return my feelings that I had for him. I quickly walked into my room falling onto my bed shoving my head under a pillow hiding myself away from the world. I cried until my eyes felt dry enough so that there were no more tears escaping from my already puffy eyes.

After laying in bed for an hour I decided that I had sulked enough for today and needed to find away to get my mind off Lee so I walked over to my bookshelf grabbing a random book before walking into my living room and curling up on the couch. I had only read the first page when I heard someone jiggling the handle before knocking on the door. Slowly I got up and walked over to the door and opened it only to be met with the boy who I most certainly did not want to see or even think about right now. Right there in front of me was Lee who was looking down at me with wide eyes. “Ayame are you ok” he asked worriedly before walking into my house. “Ya I’m fine Lee just reading a book that really jerked on my heart stings is all” I sniffled before wiping my eyes and putting a fake smile on my face trying to convince him that nothing was wrong. “I know you are lying to me” He said with a serious tone before walking closer to me “I don’t like seeing you like this tell me what’s wrong.” “Nothing” I replied going back to my spot on the couch, but before I could do so he caught my wrist pulling me into his muscular chest. “That’s not true I know something is wrong and I aim to find out” he said holding me tightly to his chest. “I swear nothing is wr-“ but, before I could say anymore I felt soft lips pressed against mine silencing my lie. I was shocked, but slowly got over it and started to kiss him back. Our lips moved in sync as if they were meant to do so. Suddenly I found myself on my couch with lee on top of me not even breaking the connection between our lips in the process. I felt my cheeks heat up as I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me deepening the kiss. Next thing I knew, I felt his tongue licking my bottom lip asking for entrance which I granted him feeling his tongue slip in my mouth not leaving an area in my mouth untouched. He slowly pulled away leaving me staring in his eyes trying to catch my breath. “Ayame I love you and I can’t stand it when I see your eyes puffy from crying” He said truthfully. “I love you too Lee” I whispered before pulling him back down so that he lay on top of me before I connected our lips again in another magical kiss that took my breath away.

~2 years later~

Lee moved into my apartment a month after he said that he loved and has lived with me ever since. After a year of dating he proposed to me in the same field that we always sparred in and of course I said yes with quite a few tears running down my face because I was overjoyed. Not long after we were officially married to each other and I bet you can guess what we did that night. So now that leaves me to where I am now being seven months pregnant with our first child. Of course when lee found out he started to cry saying what youth this child was growing within me. I laughed at him glad that he was looking forward to being a father. I couldn’t believe that I had gotten the man I fell in love and glad that I did have him. Heck I was even happy that my brother approved of everything without second thoughts I mean he was always over protective like that.

I hope you liked. If there is anyone you want to read about please request it :) I don't mind writting for which ever Charecter even the one I have already written them for :). I only have one more to write that someone wanted me to write. so request what ever adn if you want it to be a certain way let me know.

Thank you for reading,


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