Kakashi one-shot

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Kakashi one-shot

Name: Layla Uchiha

Age: 25

Rank: Jonin (ex-anbu)

Village: Konohagakure

Description: long black hair that goes below her shoulder blades and Dark almost black blue eyes.

Personality: when you first meat her you think she is a cold stuck up bitch who is emotionless, but when you get to know her you find that she is the sweetest person you will ever meat

Clothing:short black shorts with a black sports bra (of course she wears a bra under that)

Background: She is Itachi and Sasuke's older sister. When the clan was murdered she had just come from a mission knowing the real reason the clan was terminated by her little brother. Why wouldn't she know they asked her to do the same thing but when Itachi found out he said he would do it so she could watch their youngest brother. Of course it hurt to lose some of the people she loved dearly but she loved her village more. She was the heir to the Uchiha clan before the massacre causing her to train day and night and of course when it came to her father it didn't matter how strong she was it never seemed to be enough for him. Just like Itachi she excelled at things quicker then a normal child her age even when it came to the Uchiha clan. Still it wasn't enough for him. Of course when she found him dead she felt a weight off her shoulders but that didn't mean she felt bad that he had lost his life. Later when Sasuke left she promised him that she would be ok with it allowing him to leave knowing that this is what Itachi wanted from the start someone to kill knowing full well that I could never do it myself.

~start story~

Three years had passed since I had seen my younger brothers. Of course being the oldest I worried about them and their new titles as S-ranked criminals. Life since then had been quite dull all I did was missions and sometime go for a drink with Tsunade or some of my friends. Still I didn't wake up to a little brother who bothered me every waking moment to take him training or even out to ice cream when he needed a break from something. I knew when he was around his supposed friends he was different more closed off emotionless, but when he was with me he was a bouncing ball of un controllable energy. That's what I loved about him though my little brother was probably the cutest kid I had ever seen well that was beside my other little brother Itachi.

I sat in a tree that was near a waterfall. I loved sitting in this tree listening to the roar of the water as it cascaded down a cliff into a pond at the bottom. Occasionally I could feel the mist that sprayed from hitting a rock cooling me down from the heat of the day. I closed my eyes soaking in my relaxing surrounding until I heard a twig snap causing my senses to heighten. I relaxed slightly when I realized that it was a familiar chakra that was approaching me. "Kakashi if you are trying to scare off the wildlife you did a pretty good job" I said closing my eyes again concentrating on how close his chakra was getting. "Well I would rather be seen as the predator than the prey" he replied jumping up to a branch that was right next to the one I was sitting on. "I see so what brings you over here Kakashi I thought I told you I didn't want to go out for a drink right now"I told him still not opening my eyes to look at him. "You do realize that I was asking you to go out tonight it is too early to partake in the consumption of alcohol anyways" he said I could tell by his tone that he was smirking under that mask of his. Let's just say that I knew what every tone meant when it came to Kakashi since we used to be on a team together I had gotten to know him really well. "Using big words on me Kakashi I applaud you I didn't think that was possible for you to even know those words" I said returning the smirk to him. "Ha-ha-ha very funny comeback Layla but you can't deny that my smarts turn you on" He said sounding rather full of himself thinking that his mere words could make me instantly fall for him.

If you could have guessed already Kakashi has a crush on me and has had one ever since we were in the academy with each other. I will admit that at some point I had a crush on him as well, but when Sasuke left I couldn't think about how I felt for him. "You are so full of yourself Hatake" I said sighing at his over confident demeanor. "What ever you say Layla I know you like it" he said suddenly appearing right in front off me causing my eyes to shoot open. He was mere inches from my face and if I didn't watch it I would start blushing at the close proximity. "Your point Kakashi" I said pushing a blush down so it wouldn't show up on my face and give him the satisfaction knowing he could make me flustered. Inside though my stomach was full of butterflies and my heart was beating a million miles per hour I wouldn't be surprised if he could hear every beat it made. "I know you get flustered from my close proximity" he said a smirk obviously showing under his damn mask. "How do you know that from what I can tell I have a fairly even voice how is this considered flustered" I asked raising an eyebrow. He didn't answer my question instead he decided to sit their and stair at me as if he was analyzing my every move.

I wish I knew what he was thinking because I couldn't read his face and the silence was killing me. My thoughts were interrupted when I felt warm soft lips that tasted like mint lightly pressing against mine. I was too surprised that I never kissed him back before I felt a slight breeze signaling that he had pulled away. "Are you going to tell me you felt nothing just like you told me when I used my smarts on you" He asked. To be honest I didn't know how to reply to him I mean of course the kiss made me flustered who wouldn't when they were just kissed by Kakashi Hatake the most popular ninja in my year and still was to this day. "I will admit I liked it" I said squeaking a bit at the end. 'Did I really just tell him that' I thought to myself mentally face palming.

One minute I was sitting on the branch and the next thing I noticed I was laying on the ground with a certain ninja hovering over me. I felt the soft blades of grass caress my exposed skin. My chest was heaving with my quick breaths due to the pounding of my heart. "Did the great Layla just admit that I made her a bit flustered when I kissed her" He said obviously liking how he made me feel. He liked how he was the dominant one controlling everything I did and how I reacted to them. His hands slowly started to caress my bare sides "K-Kakashi" I gasped. "So you like that" he said before lowering his lips to mine in a sweet but sensual kiss. I couldn't help but give in and kiss him back moving our lips in sync. Apparently that wasn't enough for him because he licked my bottom lip asking for entrance but me being me and never compiling to his wishes the instant he wanted it. I heard a low growl escape his throat letting me know that he was frustrated with my stubbornness. Slowly I felt his hands glide down my sides to my hips and then suddenly to my inner thighs rubbing little circles on the sensitive skin causing me to gasp that his hands went that low. Taking advantage of my open mouth he shot his tongue into my mouth causing me to moan in pure pleasure. I didn't know how but even his slight touches some how made me go crazy wanting more. His mouth left mine as he started to trail kisses down my jawbone as he made his way to my neck. I slid my hands up into his hair feeling how soft it really was. He continued to kiss down to my neck stopping at my collar bone when I moaned out loud letting him know that he had hit my sweet spot. He bit down on the soft spot sucking on it leaving a little love bite claiming me as his.

I was in heaven as he worked his magic on me, but somehow I found my willpower and pulled his lips up to mine once again giving him one last kiss before I rolled him off my body so I could sit up (Don't worry we didn't do the dirty){Yet ;) } "Well that was-" I stared while panting trying to take in air before I was interrupted. " Amazing" Kakashi said with a smirk evident on his face. I looked up at him when my heart suddenly skipped a beat seeing how handsome his face truly was. "Kakashi your face is amazing" I said not being able to take my eyes off of his perfectly chiseled face. "And it is all yours" he said leaning over to peck my lips. "I love you" I heard him whisper in my ear. "I love you too" I replied

A year later

So I have been dating Kakashi for a year now and the day before the war he proposed to me. We decided that when the war was over we would get married and later have a couple of children. Right now though we have to survive the fourth ninja war. I have been assigned to Neji's group since I am part of the short range fighters and heading out to finish this war soon so Kakashi and I can be together forever.

I hope you guys liked it. So far I have three more requests to take care of so let me know is you want one because I am still taking them. Anyways hoping to finish another one tonight but I also have homework so I will try to update soon :)

Thank you for reading,


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