Sai one-shot

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Rank: Chunin

Looks:wavy medium length low pigtail black hair, blue eyes, short, small figure, a bit tan like naruto, wears her black headband on her waist and a short length turquoise kimono with black tights, shuriken holder like Sasuke's in Naruto Shippuden.

Personality: Loves to read, draw and sing. She looks like a cheerful and childish girl on the outside but hides most of her pain and sad emotions to herself. She's the type that won't give up easily and will do her best to help her friends, even in the smallest way. Can be cold when someone pisses her off when she's in a bad mood. Can see the future.


Wind and water style user

Kekkei Genkai: Ice Release

Genjutsu: Music genjutsu (singing some stuff xD)

The wind was blowing slightly, but the wind didn't make things cold if anything it was like air conditioning from the hot sun. The tree that I was sitting under also helped keep me cool during the hot summer day. I was comfortable to say the least leaning up against the hard bark of the tree and the cushion of grass under me. My knees were held up to give me a makeshift desk for my sketch book that held all of my drawings. This sketch book was my life it held the secrets to how I really felt inside when all people saw was the happy go lucky Arisu. No one saw my drawings, they knew I liked to draw, but never have seen the things I have drawn. With a heavy sigh I looked down at my book to see the finished sketch of the open field I was sitting in. It portrayed the tranquility I was feeling right now. The peace and quite was music to my ears something I rarely get to hear. Being around Naruto you would understand what I mean when I say a rarely get to hear what quietness actually sounds like. Being in such a peaceful mood I didn't even sense someone come up behind me until I felt a sudden warm sensation on the back of my neck causing me to jump to my feet and the sketch book to slide off my knees and onto the grass with a silent thud.

"Hello Arisu," Sai said with a smile. I knew that every smile he gave was fake because they showed like no emotion, but I guess I can't say anything because I hid my real emotions all the time. "What's this Arisu," He asked bending down to pick my sketch book. I tried to dive to pick it up, but Sai was too quick and he was already looking through it. I couldn't believe that this whole time I kept this a secret and because I was being stupid all my secrets were given just by him glancing at his my drawings.

"It's nothing really," I said trying to get my book back, but he kept looking through it dodging each attempt I took to try and get my book back.

"These are amazing, how come you never showed anyone or told people how you truly feel," Sai asked having a look of worry on his face that I couldn't tell if it was fake or true concern. He handed my book back opened to page of a young girl sitting in a corner. She had her knees to her chest with her arms that had several cuts on them draped over her legs. Her head was lying on her knees showing that she was crying as the blood dripped down her arms to the floor. That was me when I was little my mother had just been killed and my father decided to take it out on me. That was why I was bleeding as well as crying. From that moment on I decided to show no emotion other than the fake emotion I showed other people including my friends. The beatings from my father never stopped until I moved, but as he beat me I never showed even the slightest emotion as a new wave of pain came every time his fist connected with my already bruised skin.

"I never told people because I never wanted them to get involved" I said sitting down against the tree with my sketch book back in my position. I didn't know how to take Sai knowing my true feelings. In some ways I was happy to know that I had someone to go to, but at the same time I didn't want someone's pity.

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