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Minjee PoV

They put us in a room there was no window no nothing. The whole room was made out of concrete and there was only one door. I sigh bringing my needs to my chest.

"Don't worry the guys will come get us," Haechan tells me.

"They don't even know where we are," I looked at him he was sitting on the opposite side of the room from me.

"They will find us don't stress yourself," He tells me then the door open startling me. "What do you guys want," Haechan glares at the guy.

"I'm here to make you a deal," He tells him with a smirk.

"Not interested," He tells him and the guy scuffs turning to look at me.

"Is this you're girlfriend? She very pretty it would be a waste not to use her," He smirks walking towards me.

"What do you want," Haechan tells him stopping him in his tracks.

"Ah, that's more like it," The guy stops turning to look at Haechan. "Well, you're going to fight in underground fights for us. Every fight you win you and your girlfriend gets a little treat like maybe a bed or even a better room," He tells him.

"What's the catch?" Haechan questions and the guy snickers.

"Miss behave or do anything to try to get out of here. Your girl gets to give one of us a treat," He smirks and Haechan clenched his jaw. "All you have to do is fight for us until you still can stand," He tells him.

"Haechan no," I told him worried of who's he is going to fight.

"I'll add something to the deal," Haechan says ignoring me. "If I win 10 fights in a row you're going to let her go," He tells him.

"20 or nothing," He adds on.

"Fine deal," Haechan tells him.

"Haechan," I let out softly.

"I guess you're off the hook princess," The guy looks at me before walking out the room.

"I rather that it's me than you. I'm not going to let them touch you," He tells me and I remembered Renjun's words.

Jeno PoV

"What's going on where is Minjee?" I asked Juyeon as Jungwoo went into the office with Taeyong.

"She and Haechan were taken by Monsta X," She tells me and my heart sank.

"How the hell did that happened?" I question them.

"It was my fault," Yuki says looking down. "This man that I stole from came up to me and I ran away so they ran after me and then they showed up and they told me to leave and get the others," Yuki explains briefly

"Wait you guys weren't together?" I question them.

"No, we separated," Juyeon tells me. Of course she was with Haechan she will never let him go.

"Let's head to the office," Taeyong tells us walking out of his office.

4 days later

Minjee PoV

I was left in the room alone again. They took Haechan to another fight. All I could do is hope he was going to be ok. The door opens and Haechan walks back in. I stood up looking at him and he had a cut on his cheek and blood in the corner of his mouth, his knuckles were bleeding.

"You're still bleeding," I walked towards him I went to place my hand on his cheek but he grabbed my hand.

"I'm fine," He says letting go of my hand walking past me.

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