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I don't even know why I was crying at this point. I know mainly it's that I didn't properly say bye to my family. I knew one day I was going to leave without saying anything, but not like this. I know another part is finally crying for Donghyuck. When he ghosted me I didn't cry I didn't want to cry for him, but now seeing him is a whole different story. Someone walked in making me jump snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Johnny told me you were crying, and Jungwoo is gone so I came to check on you since you don't really know anyone else," Jeno says closing the door as I wiped my tears.

"You don't need to I'm fine," I chuckled wiping my tears. "I'm just a little upset about the whole no going out thing," I lied fake pouting and he softly smiles.

"Don't worry Taeyong lowkey likes you he just doesn't want to admit it. You just need to gain his trust and you'll be able to go out," He informs me and I smiled.

"How do you know he likes me?" I question curiously.

"Not like like you," He lowkey freaked out.

"I know," I laughed at his reaction.

"Well you are still alive and he told the guys about your little attitude that you had with him," He informs me.

"It wasn't attitude I was proving my point," I informed him with a little attitude making him chuckle.

"Are you hungry?" He asked me.

"Yeah," I replied honestly.

"Come on I'll give you a little tour at the same time. It's the least I can do since I'm the one who brought you to the club," He says as I get off the bed.

"Yeah thanks a lot, asswhole," I said sarcastically as we walk out of my room making him laugh.


"Who's this?" A girl smiles walking in while Jeno and I were eating. It wasn't Donghyucks girlfriend it's another girl. I see that this house is huge but how many people live here?

"Juyeon this is Minjee. Minjee this is Juyeon she is Jungwoo's girlfriend," Jeno introduces us.

"Hey," I smiled at her.

"Jungwoo told me about you," She informs me. "If the boys bother you. You have the right to hit them and if you need girl time just call me," She smiles she was very sweet and friendly.

"Thank you," I smiled at her.

"See you guys later," She said walking away waving at us.

"Well I can tell she Jungwoo's girlfriend," I said making Jeno laugh. "I think it's going to be hard to hang out with such a bubble girl I'll stick to hanging out with you for now," I told him.

"There is still Haechan's girlfriend she is less bubbly she can be chill," He told me.

"I will definitely not hang out with her," I said taking a bite of my food. "I'm guessing you don't have a girlfriend since you were hitting on me," I told him and he laughs.

"Nope but you seem more interested in Jaemin," He smirks looking at him.

"I'm not interested in anybody at the moment I just got out of a relationship," I told him and he nods.

"Is that why you were crying," He teased with a side smile.

"Nope it was mutual he was going off to college and I didn't really love him or even like him anymore the feeling just stop," I told him and nods understanding.

"What was he like?" He asked curiously.

"Why?" I said and he shrugs. "Well, he was Mashiho what can I say," I shrugged hearing a sneaker from behind me and I saw Donghyuck.

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