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One year later.

"Hey babe," Mashiho smiled as I hugged him.

"Hey," I smiled kissing him. "I hate college. Why do you have to go so soon," I pouted making him chuckle.

"I know it sucks but at least we got the whole rest of the evening together," He said trying to look on the good side.

"True," I told him pulling away from the hug. "Look I know how college can get I've watched movies," I started making him laugh.

"And?" He questions. I looked at him and could tell he was really happy and I didn't want to ruin his mood right now.

"Nothing never mind I'm dumb let's just go," I gave him a quick peck. We got in my car since it was a surprise to wear I was taking him.

I wanted to tell him that long-distance is the worst and that you shouldn't go to college while in a relationship but I didn't want to hurt him again. Mainly with what happened with Hyuck, it was the worst experience of long-distance. He kept his promise for a few months and then he stopped coming and he always had an excuse and then all of a sudden he stops calling and texting me. He just ghosts me for no reason. It hurt more that he stop calling me or texting me when I needed him the most my mom passed away. Well, he didn't know she passed away after he ghosted me before I could tell him. It hurts still to this day but I try not to think about it.


"Keep your eyes close," I said leading Mashiho towards the door making sure he wasn't peeking. I opened the door leading him in. "Ok, you can open them," I smiled.

"SURPRISE," Everyone yelled as he opened his eyes. He smiled tanking our friends and family getting lost in the crowd.

I went up to him after everyone got done talking to him.

"I know you probably thought it was going to be just you and me but your parents wanted to do this and I couldn't say no," I told him and he smiled.

"It's fine I love it," He kissed me. "I love you," He said as we pulled away. I didn't know what to say it's the first time he ever said it. I don't know if I feel the same way yet. What do I say?


"Minjee," Jeonghee called out. Thank god. "Mashiho hey," He smiled greeting Mashiho.

"Hey," Mashiho responds.

"Excuse me I have to go to the bathroom," I said excusing myself leaving quickly. I walked out of the house getting some air. I sighed going to my car I opened it sitting in it.

"Minjee?" I heard my name being called startling me. "It's me don't need to freak out," Jeongin chuckles.

"You scared me," I whine glaring at him and he laughs. "What do you want anyway?" I looked at him.

"I saw you walk out and the sitting in your car away from the party tells me something is up," He said leaning on my car. I sigh before answering.

"Shiho told me he loved me and I completely lagged I couldn't even say it back Jeongin," I looked at him. He grabbed my arm looking at my tattoo.

"Have you even told what it actually means to Mashiho?" He questions.

"No, and I don't plan to," I told him as he lets go of my arm.

"Do you love him?" He questions. He said and I started thinking about it. "If you have to think about it it's a definite no," He tells me.

"What do I do? His parents love me he loves me but I. I can't pretend to love him I'll start to feel guilty," I confess frustrated.

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