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Two weeks later

"I'll help you up," Kun says grabbing my hand as I swung my legs off the bed sitting up. I can finally get out of this room today.

"No I got it I'll take her to her room," Jungwoo says walking in. I met him last week he is the sweetest out of all the guys that I've met so far. He even told me about all the guys and who I should worry about. He helped me walk as I'm still a little shaky.

"Thank you," I thank him as we made it out of the room. As we walked out a girl walked past. I looked at Jungwoo and he nods. Indicating that it was Donghyuck's well Haechan's girlfriend. I told him about Hyuck's and I pass he was very disappointed in him.

"Look who is finally out," Jeno says as he and Donghyuck walk out of a room.

"Yeah finally," I chuckle looking at him. I glimpse at Donghyuck but he looked away walking past us.

"I'll see you later," Jeno tells me before catching up to Donghyuck.

We made it to my room I thanked Jungwoo before he left. I looked around the room. It had a king-sized bed the bedroom color team was gray and white. As I was about to open a door to what I think is the closet someone walked in. I turn to see a man he was tall and he had black hair he had bunny eyes very cute.

"Taeyong wants to see you," He says looking at me. I nod following him out of the room. We walked down the hall before going down the stairs. I'm not looking to escape since they probably have this house under supervision 24/7. Plus if I do make it out Donghyuck is with them and if they go after my family I couldn't live with myself. We stopped at a door and he knocked.

"Come in," Taeyong says from the inside as the guy opens the door for me and I walked in. He directly closed the door leaving Taeyong and me. "Sit," He tells me pointing at the chair in front of him. I might live with this but I'm not going to live with them treating me like a dog.

"If you change the tone and say it nicer than maybe," I crossed my arms walking closer. He smirks looking at me.

"Don't need to try to act tuff to hide that you're scared," He chuckles.

"I'm not I'm just telling you that yes I'm stuck here for probably the rest of my life but I'm not going to be treated like a dog," I sat down keeping eye contact with him.

"You're brave talking to me like that," He says before pausing looking at me like he was trying to read me. "You've gained a little respect from me," He tells me with a small smirk on his face.

"Why did you call me here?" I question raising my eyebrows.

"To tell you a few rules that you are going to follow," He says sitting up to his desk.

"I'm guessing no trying to escape. Well, I'm not planning to because Hyuck knows too much about my family," I told him he looked a bit confused for a split second.

"Donghyuck huh?" He questions and I nod.

"I guess he didn't tell you surprising since your the boss and you're supposed to know everything," I said trying to provoke him a little.

"You're his little girlfriend, well ex-girlfriend," He smirks making my heart clinched a little but I kept a straight face.

"I know everything," He says leaning on his desk in front of me. "So now back to the rules shall we," He says satisfied that he got me quiet. "You can't go out of this house until the news about you die down, you will do as your told, and don't even try to escape because you already know what's going to happen," He tells me.

"I can make the news go away with one phone call if you give me back my phone," I told him sticking out my hand.

"I don't think so. Who do you think I'm a dumb ass," He chuckles raising his eyebrows.

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