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I will say this: Boyfriend's parents are divorced for a lot of reasons, but let me get this right: His mom is cool, though it won't appear in this chapter.

I will say this: Boyfriend's parents are divorced for a lot of reasons, but let me get this right: His mom is cool, though it won't appear in this chapter

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Pico, once again, encountered Boyfriend. The same train station, same late hour, there was a difference though, it seemed Boyfriend was shaking. As it was usual by now, considering this was how they were making small talks by now for three weeks, he sat at his side and let his presence known by whispering a small hey and putting his hand in the other's shoulder. He noticed the smaller boy was shaking from the cold, and how could he not? The dude was only wearing a T-shirt, and shorts, that's a perfect choice of clothes if you want to die of cold; yet, he found himself wanting to help the other. The one with neon hair could be considered as a friend; in a way, unlike Nene and Darnell, he felt it was easier to talk with the little dude. Maybe because the smaller one listened to him and didn't interrupt him at all, the way it didn't judge so quickly, how the other wasn't that scared of him and moved his head as if he was chilling with him, sometimes even to the songs he would try to come up with to see his reaction, and saw him oddly happy vibing at his selection of music, even clapping and being supportive when he felt he didn't do it well.

He was... Way too good as far as he can see. Fuck, it almost feels like the other wasn't real at all and probably was inside of his mind, and yet- here he was, giving him a big jacket he bought today that gives him the impression that could keep the other warm. At first, it seemed he took the smaller by surprise, almost as if they didn't react when he whispered to him "hey" and beeped once he felt the jacket around him. Almost as "thanks" to the other... Pico saw the other face better, noticing some traces of tears on his cheeks. He wanted to ask, but it was probably not a good idea, so he would punch with his curiosity and don't ask about it at all, because he didn't know how bad it was or better said, how serious it could get.

—Are you alright now?— He asked, with a notorious preoccupation, though he wouldn't want to admit it since both of them still haven't got out of the stranger phase. Not since everything they talked about until now, it was only about music, their likes and dislikes, sometimes about guns, if the topic was okay with boyfriend; yet, they never talked about serious stuff like problems and such. But he felt relieved at the small nod the other made until he felt hugged after it- Pico didn't notice he was this touch-starve, not since he would stop asking these contacts from happening a while ago.

It felt... Weird, obviously, but a part of him was enjoying it, and he let that part embrace what was happening. Almost as if the butterflies themselves were flying in the air.

The train came around not so long after, he had to break the hug and lead the other to inside the train, making the other take a seat. It was usual they would go on separate seats, but the one who talks with beeps took his hand and begged him with a stare to don't leave him alone. And fuck, he couldn't say no to that face of the other. Sitting together on the train this time felt weird, but it was a welcome feeling anyway.

—Hey, I didn't want to ask because I don't know how serious it is but- something bad happened to you today?— there was a little bit of silence between the two after he asked, obtaining a nod from the other, who was mopping around now after he brought it up. The little boyfriend was trying to speak, or well, write now in his book that was always hidden in his hat. The other was shaking, a lot.

'My dad kicked me out of the house'. It could be read on that page, messy writing could be seen along with some tears. Well, now he understood better why the other seemed to quiet back there. Pico didn't know what to say, besides asking the obvious.

"Do you have a place to stay?" He asked, looking at the other who didn't want to look at the stations they were passing. The other shakes his head to his sides, confirming he didn't have a place to stay at the moment. Pico sighs and once again, thinking about what to say to the small little friend he made... He starts rethinking his life choices as he takes the other's hand, they only met about three weeks for now and it could be seen as if the other was asking for a cheap horror movie.

"Hey uh, you can stay in my place?- I mean, I don't know if you have an idea to where you should stay so I can drop you there so-" he hoped he made himself clear, it had happened a lot of time since he had someone else in his apartment, but it will do if he cleans quickly or just tries to make the smell of nicotine more subtle. Boyfriend appeared to stare at him as if what he said was something out of this world. Probably was, who offers a stranger to stay in their place?... Well, he did, you will tell what is going inside his head.

The other nodded quickly, smiling a little. He couldn't tell if he trusted him that much or if he was dumb enough to accept a proposal of some kind from technically speaking a stranger. Still, it wasn't like he was going to do something bad, so maybe he didn't need to think too much about it. Is just the beep bop bap little dude, what's he going to do? Beep him into hell? Yeah, nothing bad could happen between the two of them.

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