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Small note: Senpai has been trapped in the game for WAY too long, so he isn't mentally stable at all. Expect for him to be like this after having so many months of being lonely in a game where he had to repeat the same cycle over and over again. Not having a real human presence to talk to. Man would eventually lose his shit.

Sorry for not updating. I was caught in some exams.

Senpai was mad. Very Mad. No adjective could properly describe all his anger and frustrations perfectly. He stayed in a game, alone, for way too long to even consider thinking about the consequences of his actions. He just knew he would kill her for even breathing. Always playing around and never taking anyone's feelings seriously except her own. Girlfriend was truly disgusting in his opinion, and so her whole family. He won't even take it back, because he was saying the truth. Girlfriend deserved nothing but pure pain and chaos in her life. And he won't stop until she gets it. It was so bad that he would kick anyone in his way.

Girlfriend posted in her private Instagram account that she was going to check on a certain restaurant to wait for a "madwoman". The context was not needed, he just knew she was going to be there and that made him take the rushed decision of sending her a ":)" message with a photo of him in front of the restaurant because he just wanted to have some recognition, or well, give her a reason to fear him if that was enough context. But who knows, that head of hers is mainly made out of the air instead of actual knowledge. She was dumb as bricks.

"But here we are, rotting in a poor restaurant." He thought to himself, pouting in a corner. Some ladies tried to flirt with him and he didn't stop their advances, he had no real reason to stop them at all and it was fun to see girls thinking they stood a chance to date him. Pathetic, but it was something laughable at the end. Stupid girls think he needs a good girl to leave his f/ck boy habits. Well no, that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

Senpai looked around the restaurant annoyed, where was Girlfriend? Did he just waste his precious and valuable time for nothing? Or maybe he did scare her- that would make him proud of himself. Wait, who's that cute blue-haired girl?.

A ginger boy entered the restaurant holding hands with a blue-haired cute and small girl who spoke in beeps. She had a red hat on her head and a white t-shirt with a red prohibition sign on it. Light skinned. Blue baggy pants and red sneakers. Maybe she wasn't stunning like other girls in... The boob department, but he couldn't stop starting regardless. He usually wouldn't say this: but she had the whole bakery back there. He found himself as a creep when he realised he stared too much and mentally lectured himself about it. Swearing in his insides. He was the one who had simps, not the simp!

"Beep, bap bup bopbap?" He didn't know what the other person said, and found himself weird out until he looked up and saw the "girl". Yeah, turns out that now that he was looking closer, the girl was a guy. And he thought- the whole bakery- Well damn. He mistook a dude for a chick. Well sh/t, he would probably get cancelled on Twitter if his inner thoughts came out.

The other seemed to catch quickly he didn't understand him, so getting out of his hat a small notebook and a pen, he wrote down "Hey, Are you okay? You look kind of annoyed"... Well, at least someone noticed. He had to give the other some credit, worrying about a stranger's we'll being is reckless, but is an appreciated gesture to the ones who need it.

"I'm more frustrated honestly." He grumbled out of his lips, he was indeed getting frustrated with how long the girl was taking in arriving, or get inside the restaurant. Whatever. He expected to give her the scare of her life. He watched the table mindlessly, while the other wrote something else. He had his pink microphone right in his left hand, admiring it from time to time, and then, whatever the other wrote was now right in front of him.

"I know we are strangers but wanna chill for a second? Too much stress and frustration can be bad for the health" He wasn't in the mod of making big deals, so he nodded. He obviously won't drink anything, but hey, his objective was a hoe who wore a red dress, not a blue-haired kid. He saw the other order something, he might as well scroll through his phone a bit. He watched the battery. 5 per cent. Well. This was going to be a long wait then. He scrolls down Instagram a bit until a photo of Girlfriend and Boyfriend having matching shirts showed up. He saw the bio. "Celebrating 6 month with my BF, yei ✨" Less to say, his mood changed like a switch.

The other appeared to sense it as it tried to come up with an excuse to go back to where he was previously with his friend, but no, of course, he wouldn't let him go. The smaller one struggle trying to get out of his grip, but it was clear it was for nothing since he has more force overpowering him. The other beeps in alarm to attract others attention, but everyone is way too busy minding their own business to care.

"Sorry, not sorry- you are coming with me. I need a good hostage to make her come right where I want her and kill her" the blue-haired boy seemed terrified and almost sad. Like he just made a mistake. For trying to be nice to him, he was now about to become a hostage. What are the odds, Am I right? Senpai doesn't need too much force to get Boyfriend to the backdoor of the restaurant, of course, they are still in because the one who carried a pink microphone had found it funny the more desperate the struggle the other applied the more they approached the door. He laughed right in his face once small tears appeared in the other's face. Pathetic sobs with erratic beeps.

That was until a gunshot was heard and it almost impacted him.

"Let him go or I'll f/cking destroy your face"

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