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Yei Chapter 15
THE BONUS IS COMING also, I made the separator so don't steal bitch

When Boyfriend took the job, he didn't expect to grow so close to the spooky kids

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When Boyfriend took the job, he didn't expect to grow so close to the spooky kids. Of course, all the kids he had agreed to babysit have a place in his heart and he remembers them with appreciation and this sudden growth of affection was to be expected because you have to love the kids so the babysitting works and you don't feel it like a charge. However, one thing was that and another thing was almost feel said kids maybe a bit too close, almost like they were your own. Which they aren't in any sense. Skid has a lovely mother and as much as he's aware, Pump's family is nice, so it feels pretty bad feeling that way considering the kids have good families. He doesn't have ground to feel this way, like almost a... Father... Damn it, he's only 19, why the heavens is he thinking this?. The more he grows attached to the kids, the more it hurts when they stop contacting you for your services and you just leave them.

It's bittersweet, at least for him, so he is trying his best to not let himself fall too attached. But is useless, and he knows it deep down that he won't help it, and it will lead to such great pain. Yet can't help but fall into the small thought: Is it really bad to don't enjoy such happiness even if it's brief as a butterfly life spawn. He sighs as he leaves his mind wander over those edges, how painful would it be but how happy he is regardless of it. All of it while he was cooking a light meal for the kids. He knew Lila won't be home soon, and he decides to make use of the kitchen in these cases. It's... Oddly cute seeing Pico being used as a big tree to use to play, the kids are surely having the time of their lives clinging in his arms. He forces himself to look away from the image, maybe because... He can't help but think about Pico.

Oh, yeah, what do we have here? He, having feelings for him. He surely has been feeling weird around him after what happened with his dad. Something about Pico protecting him from his dad, the way he hugged him at the moment... He was having quite the fun ride remembering and feeling a now-familiar warmth come to his face. He is now shaken up and tries to forget about the feeling- don't think about it, he tries to let sink. Stop thinking about it. You only want a friend, not more reasons for your dad to go over your back now apparently.

He still can't get over his words though, they are impaled very hard into his brain. He always seemed so kind and reliable, even if he had his anger moments, So... What happened?. He jumps after feeling a hand in his shoulder due to him being low-key spacing out... If not doing so completely.

"Yo, chill, just came to check on you" As if he didn't felt like he needed to pay Pico for being already a great help, he comes in and asks that... He can't help but wonder why is Pico now to him such a great presence, at the same time he asks himself to calm down quickly before his heart explodes and all of his recent thoughts came out of his mouth like word vomit. He can already sense Pico is curious and worried in some sense, he just so notices the meal is ready and he starts serving it, turning off the stove and whatever else he was using.

"Bip bop beep!" Is nothing, he replies, he's trying to fake his confidence on this. He doesn't know how good he will be at first, but he tries anyway because he doesn't want to worry Pico about things like such.

"Are you sure?... You are looking like something is going on there. Not like I will force you to speak or anything" He finds himself smiling briefly, but he just obligated himself to erase it just a moment so Pico doesn't catch up quickly. He won't look at him in the face.

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