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Change of plans, I'm making Boyfriend's dad an asshole for plot reasons.

Also, I've been thinking of making an 👉👈exclusive bonus👉👈 for the people who are okay with the idea of Boyfriend moaning beeps. In AO3 it will be a separate work, but it will be still there. That's all, It will come out in chapter 15 or less.

Pico blushed all the way Boyfriend would get comfortable sleeping on him

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Pico blushed all the way Boyfriend would get comfortable sleeping on him. Is not because he wanted to, it was weird... He could feel his slow and soft respiration against himself, it was warm and comforting. He pulled him closer by hugging him by the waist. It felt odd enough better this way, he could feel himself relax more over the other. He still tried to be alert and shoot whoever tried to get near both of them, he wouldn't let anyone ruin this moment with the smaller boy. He receives some eyes, they are either freak out he has a gun or curious about the boy he was holding in his arm. It's not like is going to publicly commit mass genocide for just a few stare (Thought it sounded tempting somehow) in the middle of a train, that would be pointless in all honestly and he isn't on the humour to cleaning more blood off himself today. He was trying to get more details from this Daddy Dearest guy who was offering now $100,000,000 for the head of an asshole who tried to date his daughter and more ramblings about why the boy is the worst thing he could have encountered and the list goes on. He doesn't give a damn about it but is a necessary thing to do since this man doesn't know how to give a proper description of the target. Normally, he would just tell him to just be short and precise, but this man- this man had such an aura he couldn't ignore and help but feel intimidated- very unlike Boyfriend, who always had this calming presence around him- a very pleasant one to have around.

Talking about presences, he was feeling this one over both of them for a while now. Pico doesn't know how to describe it, but he would say... It was persistent. He holds the boy more near himself when he noticed and left with the still sleepy boy in his arms, he had to carry him in a bridal style. He ignores the extra stares as he gets out.

In the cold of the street, he feels the smaller one shiver and slowly getting beeps out, as well as waking up. The other got embarrassed apparently from their pose as they let out beeps come out without making any sense. Pico rolls his eyes a little with a small blush on his cheeks as he lowers the other. 'This is stupid', he thinks.

"B-Beep bip bup bap beep bep!?" Why did he carry him? Instead of waking him up? That... Was a good question. Even with someone following them, waking him up would have alerted him of that thing and maybe even could have made this walk faster instead of having this stupid drama of "that was embarrassing" "I love you as my friend but-" "You scared me!" And the list went on and on. He can't explain himself as the other keeps beeping over his words.

Then... He went quiet.


"Will you let me explain finally?-"

"B-Bip bop ba-bap! Beep bep bop boop" Is not that, that they need to go? Pico is now the one confused and he's about to ask for answers, but another voice interrupts them, both of them.

"Well Boyfriend, I didn't expect you to have friends like these" A deeper voice make its appearance, Boyfriend goes immediately behind him as he turns around to face the unknown voice for him. His partner has been reduced to nothing but weak beeps as if he was trying to say something but his fear was preventing him to do so.

"... B... Ba... Da... Dad" The other barely said, he trembled so much Pico questioned how much the other would hold on until his whole body converts into jelly. The man that was in front of him had darker black hair and black eyes, he dressed in a formal suit perfect for business and proper modalities of some kind as his skin, white as snow brilliant under the moon showed scars, but his face looked between annoyed and disgusted (was that possible?). The why? Pico didn't know, but he couldn't just forget the other shaking behind him so he had to step forward to get this going or get answers. Why would you search for someone you kicked out?.

"Is there something you want Sir?" He asks.

"Just came to check on my son- Now I'm worried about the friendships he decides to make. I kind of knew he was naive, but not an idiot" As the man spoke, the smaller one gripped on him with more force and tried to keep himself quiet and not let a noise escape. Once his back was starting to feel wet, he understood why. Boyfriend was trying not to cry in front of his father, who was deliberately insulting him in public. Even with no one present, it must be quite impactful to have your dad saying those things to you in front of anyone.

Boyfriend looked like he never had this situation ever happened to him as if this was reaching it because it has never happened in his life. (Well, who could even get himself to insult a cute boy? Just assholes, and even if the dad was acting like one just now, he probably didn't say these things in the past)

"Yeah, sure, checking on him. To me just sounds like a cheap excuse to use toxic parenting" The man got his face even more annoyed at his comment he made. Pico smirks as he grabs his gun and gets it out.

"Ba-bap!" Wait? Wait for what? Wait for this asshole to just run his mouth on useless bullshit? Yeah, sure, he would fill this guy with pure bullets until nothing of him was found.

"So this is how it is... Wow. You like breaking the rules up there Boyfriend. Well then, I guess I will have to take you back so you can correct yourself. Since you like music that much, it will be a rap battle so you can- have it fair"

"You'll have to pass over me to get him into your bullshit, asshole! I'll beat you so you leave him alone"

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