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Nobody Is One Of My Favourite Comfort Songs. Yet it sums up a lot of my life. Fun fact: I haven't talked properly with other people until 3 years ago, I'm 15 rn.

Pico had no problems catching up with Boyfriend's behaviour or mood, but this was something pretty off from his usual self, or what he let him see from his usual self if he was hiding something else asides from the whole past angel thing

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Pico had no problems catching up with Boyfriend's behaviour or mood, but this was something pretty off from his usual self, or what he let him see from his usual self if he was hiding something else asides from the whole past angel thing. He left the kids seeing a show when he went to check on the other, standing up in a stall to reach the stove. That was at least a cute sigh he got to see, it gives Boyfriend a more domestic appearance as a more parental vibe than the one he initially thought he had the first moment he saw the kids interact with him. He would have mistaken the childs as his if he didn't know any better. They weren't bad- but he definitely would rip off his hair if they keep calling him Cheeto man.

"So-" He tries to start a conversation with the other, in a vague attempt to get the air between them calmer. "What were you cooking? Before I interrupted you" he is still curious about what has been going on with him, he knows what he said: he won't force him to talk, but he will be curious about it, that's for sure. Boyfriend finally makes eye contact with him, he didn't notice but- the smallest red cheeks and his dubious expression were cute to see, almost as if he was seeing an afraid kitten speak up or approach him. The whole view of his roommate blushing in that way caused him to break eye contact first, it just- felt too weird and electric. This type of uncomfortable silence was uncommon, it almost felt unsettling, it reminded him a bit that, even if they acted all buddy-buddy, both of them barely knew each other's struggles or some basic background about who was the person they were living with. Because Boyfriend didn't tell him about Girlfriend, and he sure as hell didn't bring up Cassandra, Nene's attempt to kill herself, the school shooting, he didn't bring up the fact that he just didn't kill people now, but way back then.

Even if some comfort could be found, the truth was and is, they are barely considered acquaintances and perhaps he was way too much conscious of that, more like he liked to admit. He wondered... How much time until he leaves him after he finds his place to stay? Somewhere to be with the annoying red-haired bitch in peace. Even so, he finds himself letting out the air he didn't know he was maintaining inside him when Boyfriend finally answered him.

"I was making some spooky looking fish for the kids- It's quite hard but, I don't know what else to do. To be honest, my mind is split, I'm thinking about, you know, my dad... But also... No, never mind, is dumb- why don't you go back with the kids? It seems they are getting bored" Such stupid concerns, but getting him to just be a little bit sincere felt... Good. It was as if he trusted him enough and perhaps keeping in touch might not be crazy at all.

"Sure thing- uh, you can join us maybe there? It wouldn't be bad eating together in the living room while watching crappy spooky stories for kids" He finds himself offering, Boyfriend almost seemed to lost balance when he touched his arm, Pico felt lost for a minute in those brief seconds. "A-Ah- of course". Boyfriend answered. He didn't grab him with too much force or by surprise, not that much at least in his opinion, and yet, just a simple touch made him quiver with anxious movements, caused him to stutter and it was quite a mess of a sight Pico almost didn't notice his breath got caught in his throat after he struggled to announce he was going to get going already and when he left, the way he felt the necessity to get all the lost air back at him was quite a funny sight.

Actually, no- only that itty-bitty hoe with anger issues would think it was funny. Cassandra would laugh obnoxiously and call him an emotional mess of a Prick-o or probably mock him about having an intense crush on the smaller one until he felt the need to kick her out of his sight. (He should know better, she enjoyed his suffering even though Cyclops told him she had a crush on him)

He needs to forget about it for just some moments thought, he notes, as he makes his way to the couch and the other kids seem to be brighter with his presence. And now he couldn't wait to get the shit annoyed out of him, he could just tell they were going to let him with a headache.

"Hey, Mister Pico, my friend Pump and I have a very important question!"

"What is it Skid?" He feels this will end badly and they were only starting.

"Is it true you always carry a gun?" More than fear, the excitement in those words made him freak out. For god's sake, why the hell were kids so much into this stuff anyway? He was fine with this because he honestly had a fucked up life, but two seemingly fine kids with normal lives interested in this stuff?... Yeah, no, not gonna happen if he's standing to prevent it.

"I have it, but only to protect Boyfriend. Assholes are always present and you never know. But that's it, otherwise, I never take it with me" he lied so easily, and he hated how the two giggled and mumble something about what he said. He groaned when he saw them thinking another question. This was going to be painfully long, right? Even so, the thought stopped once boyfriend entered with the meal served on plates. It felt suddenly domestic the change of ambient, like those type of scenes where the mom walks right in the exact moment to stop the kids from tormenting an exhausted father after work... It was... Different but, not bad at all. And he actually got in a better mood when Boyfriend sat at his side.

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