February 16: (Isaiah 41:10)

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"Fear not, for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
~Isaiah 41:10

What use is fear when God is upholding us with His righteous right hand? What part has fear to play when we trust in a mighty, fearless, sovereign God?

Fear is the fruit of the enemy. He places that unpleasant sensation in our minds and hearts to try and make us doubt God.

But the Bible says over and over again that we must not fear! There is nothing God can't do! When we are faced with situations that bring great fear into our hearts, we must recognize that our unseen enemy is trying to attack us with weakening and doubtful thoughts.

We must rise above those thoughts and take them captive for the glory of Christ! (2 Cor 10:5)

Our enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy but as children of the most High God, we have the power to say, "Not today, Satan!"

We have the power to put on the full armor of God and deflect Satan's attacks with our spirit of faith in God!

~Lily (lilyflower1603)

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