February 17: (Philippians 2:3-4)

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"Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others."
~Philippians 2:3-4 ESV

How easy is it to focus on our own selfish interests? Very easily. We have been looking out for our own interests since the day we could walk and it has continued on into today.

How easy is it to focus on the interests of others? Not so easy, is it? Now, grant it, some find it easier to look to others' interests, but in the end, we'd all prefer to pamper ourselves.

Did you know that the book of Philippians was written while Paul was in prison? And yet it is called one of the happiest books of the Bible? Paul wrote today's verse while he was shut up in some dirty, disease-ridden (and probably rat infested) prison cell with possibly nothing but stale bread and muddy water as nutrition.

Paul had every reason in the world to pity himself because if his poor conditions, but he didn't. Instead, he was looking toward the interests of others in his letters to the church of Philippi. He cared more for the condition of that church than he cared for his own circumstances.

What a great example of humility! We should all use Paul as our example for living out of life of faith in Christ! We should start living our lives with as much faith and concern for others as Paul had for the Philippians!

I encourage you to sit down and read through the book of Philippians. There are so many juicy tidbits in it! See how Paul's joy and faith in the Lord remained strong even under torture! Watch how even in prison, Paul managed to write and encourage others in their faith just as he remained steadfast in his!

~Lily (lilyflower1603)

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