February 1: (Psalms 23:4)

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"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me."
   ~Psalms 23:4

Throughout the Bible, we as believers are referred to as sheep. Why is that?

Well, by nature, sheep are not clever animals. If they are not constantly watched by their shepherd, they will unceasingly find ways to put themselves in harm's way. It takes great diligence and patience on the shepherd's part to keep the animals from danger.

I like to think of this verse in Psalm 23 as David praising his Shepherd for diligently and patiently protecting him from evil. He was constantly going astray toward his own paths, his own desires. But every time he transgressed against God, he would repent and turn his focus back to the Lord.

This is an example we would all do well to follow. Even as Christians, we still sin, but when we sin, we should immediately repent and turn our eyes back to Jesus.

He is our Shepherd who patiently and diligently protects us from harm! He will welcome us back to the fold no matter what kinds of baggage we carry with us. Jesus is the Shepherd that will always tend to His sheep.

Lily (lilyflower1603)

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