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After their shower, Peter and MJ went to their balcony and Peter helped MJ climb on the beam, like he promised her to. He sat next to her, and they made out, maybe a little less then they did in the shower. After that, they talked a little and they went to bed to cuddle. Side note: they do that a lot.

Now it's 7.45 am and they just woke up because Monique knocked on their door. It's five minutes later, and Shuri comes in. When she sees Peter and MJ are still in bed, she flips the mattress so they have to stand up.

'Shuri, it's way too early. Why do we have to wake up? It's Saturday!'

'Your tour, remember? You have to be ready for breakfast in half an hour and you have to wear sports clothes. I leave you two alone for now, but hurry. I want to have the best seats,' Shuri says.


When Peter, MJ and Shuri arrive at the cafeteria, they see Betty, Ned and Harley sitting together, having three spare seats. The friends sit down and start making their sandwiches. They have to make their own toppings this time, which is fine because Peter doesn't like to have butter on his bread.

When everyone finishes their breakfast, Monique tells the group to go to the elevator. It goes up to floor 87. That can only mean one thing: they are getting an Avengers-training. And Peter was once again, right. FRIDAY says: 'Have fun at your training. This is training-room 2. Usually only Avengers go here, but Boss told me I was allowed to take you up here. I guided Black Widow, Hawkeye, Captain America, the Winter Soldier and Boss here too, so have fun and don't die.'

'I wonder why Tony is there, he never, ever, trains,' Peter whispers to Ned. 'Well, dude, he's like THE Tony Stark. He probably is there to humiliate you and try to be admired by our teammates at the same time,' Ned says. He has a point, but it doesn't mean Peter's suspicions are gone. His spidey-senses are tingling too. Well, let's face whoever is inside there.

'I want you to be polite to the Avengers, and remember the no-bullying rule. Harley and Shuri with the Avengers are your guides for the next three hours, but I think miss Romanoff is the leader later. Have fun and like FRIDAY said: DON'T DIE! I think your teachers don't want that either. Mr. Harrington? Mr. Dell? Are you going to do the training or just there to watch?'

'Uhm, I want to just watch, Monique. I'm not a fighter,' Mr. Harrington says.

'I want to compete,' Mr. Dell says.

'Sir, it's a practice. You aren't doing a tournament. Or maybe you are, I don't know what Romanoff is going to do. Listen to her, don't do anything she might won't like. She can kill you within seconds by using only her pinky. Just be careful but also have fun. I will be at our dormitory, if something's wrong just say it to FRIDAY or Harley, they will inform me and then everything'll be alright. FRIDAY, open the door and tell Tony I'm on floor 68 if he needs me.' And with those words, Monique walked away and the Decathlon team walked in the room.

On the left side they saw shooting panels, on the right side a climbing wall with and without rocks. In the middle is a giant (100' by 250' [30m x 76,2m]) floor, similar to a gymnastics floor. In the back of the room there are things like a bench press and a leg press and a thing that can measure your speed while running among other things for weight training and stuff.

The students are watching with awe to the room and the people standing in the middle of it.

'Guys, just walk to them please. I can't stare at Mr. Stark anymore,' Peter says to his teammates. 'That's funny, Pete. What happened to "dad", "Tony" or "Amazing mentor"? And why are you doing the death stare Natasha clearly taught you?' Tony responds. 'Oh, now I'm scared,' he compliments sarcastically.

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