Blake: Meeting the Family

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A/N: Yeah, I just gotta say I never seen any of the episodes where it shows Ghira or Kali so I'm winging it. I know that I do scenarios with Winter but given how long this scenario is with the fact how long I last uploaded this is to just publish what I have.

Blake: Meeting the Family

You were sitting on a bench with Blake at the docking bay waiting for the bullhead to arrive. This visit was rather unexpected as Blake told you this very morning about the visit. Having clear up your schedule it did not help finding out who Blake's parents were.

Y/N: Wait, wait, so you are telling me that your dad was a former High- Leader of the White Fang?

Putting a piece of paper as a bookmark in her book, Blake, closes it.

Blake: Yes, well actually it during the time when we were more for protesting. Is this a problem?

Y/N: Well yes. This was sudden and with someone like that seeing me with you...

Blake: Y/N, it's going to be fine. If anything I should be worried. My mom will likely show you pictures of me as a kitten.

Y/N: So will they accept me as a human?

Blake: Of course they will.

Y/N: I hope so because your dad looks like he can tear me in half or bench press me.

Blake: Yeah.

Y/N: You were kidding right? Right? Blake!

Blake got up, hearing that it was time for the group to go in the bullhead. Grabbing all the luggage you followed behind.

Eventually arriving to Menagerie you notice a lot of people were staring. You took notice at Blake, she no longer had her bow on. Putting the pieces together you whisper to Blake as to make sure.

Y/N: Phsst. Blake. Why are they staring?

You see Blake's eyes widen as she takes your hand and quickly moves you to a spot that is more secluded.

Blake: (sighs) To answer your question that is because Menagerie's population is mainly made up of Faunus. Humans are not exactly welcome here.

Y/N: Isn't that reverse discrimination?

Blake: Look, despite Menagerie being small most people stay as it is where there is people like them. Where people do not have to worry that certain places will not serve us or people will make a snide remark.

Y/N: Where they can be out in the open and not worry.

Blake: Yes.

What next happen next surprises you. Blake grabs your hold, interlocking it with hers. It was the fact that she initiated this as despite her special book she is not exactly all for any kind of public displays of affection. Only you were able to do it in private and just recently when you are hanging out with her team. As you can guess Yang was the most supportive given she now has new people to practice her puns or what she calls "art".

Blake: We can go through this together. As a couple.

Grabbing ahold of the luggage once more you were led by Blake. Making it to the front door of her house you watch on as Blake knocks on the door. Seconds later the door opens to who you can describe to be a giant.

Y/N: (thoughts) Fffffuuuuccccckkkkkk! He is even bigger than the picture!!!

You may have been thinking too long as you heard Blake call your name.

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