Blake/Winter: Getting Sick

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Blake: When You Get Sick

Blake was searching for you. For the past ten minutes you have not been answering your calls and you were suppose to meet up today. Fortunately she saw one of your teammates.

Blake: Teal, where's Y/N? We were suppose to meet up today.

Teal: Yeah, well he's sick or something.

Blake: Y/N is sick?

Teal: Probably. He was coughing and stuff so before leaving I threw him a bottle of cough syrup.

Blake: That is all? Just cough syrup?

Teal: Yeah, that's what I always did. Ohhh I get it now. You think I should have gave him water because of the awful flavor. I probably should of but forgot. Hope Y/N likes cherry.

Blake: No one likes cherry flavor medicine.

Teal: Yeah. Well you know our room so if you want to visit Y/N you could. Leave the window open.

Blake: Okay.

Teal: I'm serious.

Blake: Got it. Leave the window open.

Teal: You don't understand. Leave it open.

Blake: Why? Why are you so serious about it?

Teal: My dorm neighbor owes me one dollar and if he sees me in the hallway he will go in his room. I'm going to surprise him.

Blake: Teal, it's just one dollar.

Teal: It's the principle. That's why Blake if he escapes again I'm stealing all his toilet paper. Then he'll have to pay me back.

Blake: I...I...

Teal: I know I'm a genius. You're speechless from my plan. Anyways gotta go.

And like that Teal left and he came, leaving a confused Blake to carry on to the dorm room. Entering in she doesn't see you.

Blake: Y/N? Are you here?

Y/N: (from the restroom) Hold on.

Waiting for you to come back Blake closes the window as the room was cold forgetting what Teal said earlier.

Coming out of the restroom you slowly walk to your bed as any faster of a pace made you feel like throwing up again.

Y/N: You shouldn't be here.

Blake: You should have texted me that you were sick. I could of helped you.

Y/N: All I need is a day's sleep. I'll be back in class tomorrow.

Blake: One day? Aren't you risking it a little?

Y/N: I don't usually get sick but when I did my parents only gave me one day.

Blake: Okay, but do you need anything?

Y/N: No, Teal gave me just medicine, but can you read me a story?

Raising a single eyebrow at the request Blake just went along with it.

Blake: Fine. Just give me a minute.

Leaving, Blake eventually came back holding what appear to be a children's book.

Blake: I'm not judging but may I ask why
you want me to read?

Y/N: I usually listen to something when I go to sleep but since you're here you know.

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