Heart of a Girl

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Brandon POV

We were six months into the new album, the finishing touches were being made and the singles being selected. We either had to write another song or pick one that at least one of us wasn't fond of as much. The music videos scheduled for filming. We'd gone back to Las Vegas, the final edits being done in our original home.

In turn, Brooks was over 7 long months into pregnancy. Which meant Just Another Girl wouldn't be filled for a few more months. Her eyes were heavy as she tried to get comfy on the sofa in the studio, one hand on her stomach and the other holding up her head.

"Mrs.Flowers looks about done for the night."

"She's a trooper." I mumbled, looking back at her before running my fingers through my hair. Ronnie smirked slightly, nudging me.

"I'm happy for you both. I knew fate would bring you back together."

"It's coming together Ronnie. I'm gonna be a dad and and the baby's room. It's amazing. Blues, greys, and purples." My voice went lower for a moment. "I mean I'm scared, trust me. We got this far last time. We made it to the hospital and labor. I just want to see a baby in that room." I mumbled, glancing to Brooklyn, her eyes closed. "She is certain it's a boy. She was right last time."

"She's got her ways, trust me." Ronnie chuckled, glancing to her. "You guys got a name?"

"Alexander Jensen Flower and we haven't even picked out a girl's name." I shrugged, sitting up and putting on my coat, Brooks stirred to the noise of the zipper, looking at me with tired eyes. "Alexandra something Flowers I suppose if it's a girl."

"You think it's a girl?" She smiled, looking to Ronnie and I.

"Maybe." I hummed, shrugging as I leaned against the desk.

"We shall see my darling. Ready?"

"Yeah, let's go home." I mumbled, helping her up by offering my hand. She sighed, holding my hand as we walked out of the recording room, her eyes looking down the hall to my office. It was the old nursery. She smiled looking to me before looking to her stomach. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just excited. I feel good this time." I walked with her to the car, a yawn escaping her. "Bee?"

"Yeah darlin'?"

"I think I'm having a contraction." She winced, getting into the passenger side, I felt the familiar concern bubbling in my chest.

"You wanna go to the hospital? Make sure everything is okay?"

"Yeah. I know it is, but it can't hurt. I'm 35 weeks so, it's a little early." I nodded, closing her door before going around to the driver side. She of course had a hospital bag in the car, so we were prepared for anything. She sighed, rubbing her stomach and groaning once more after a few minutes. "I think he's coming tonight Brandon."

"Everything is gonna be okay, I promise." I took one hand off the wheel, taking hers within my gentle grip. The only thing playing through my mind that we couldn't lose another one. I was praying over and over again that this one went smoothly.

I parked the car, helping her to the door until they let her use a wheelchair. The maturity ward ended up being a large room with windows and a sofa for me nap if this ended up being a longer wait. Yet it all happened so fast like last time. Within two hours Brooklyn was dilated and pushing. With her help I'd managed to text the family, the band included.

Yet, unlike last time we were met with screams of a child. Brooklyn and I were in tears as they handed the baby over.

"Bee it's a girl." She laughed through the tears, my eyes were locked on the tiny beauty in my wife's arms.

"I'm glad I thought of a girl name. How about Akexandra Lilly Flowers?" Brooklyn nodded, looking to me before looking back down at our daughter. They stuck a tiny little monitor to her, a gentle heartbeat noise pulsing through the room.

"Daddy, daddy, daddy, all my life
I've been trying to find my place in the world
(I said to her)
Baby, baby, babe I got all night
To listen to the heart of a girl"

They took her away to check her over, Brooklyn's eyes closing from the sheer exhaustion and she held my hand. Nothing could remove the smile from my face as I looked at my wife. I grabbed a sheet of paper off her table, using the back of it to scribble down the lyrics I'd thought off, adding to it at the words came to me.

"Deep in the night, I feel a presence
Of something that was long ago, told to me
There is a hand guiding the river
The river to wide open sea
And deep in my heart, in any game
On any mountain, no I'm not afraid
Standing on stone, you stand beside me
And honor the plans that were made"

Brooklyn opened her eyes, though barely. She squeezed my hand, smiling as I hummed what I was working on.

"You were right."

"I have my ways." I smiled, sitting down the paper beside me before leaning forward and pressing a kiss to her lips."You did amazing."

"You did too Bee. I can't wait to take her home. She was so tiny." Brooklyn mumble, giving my hand a squeeze.

"I can't wait either. She's perfect. Get some rest before they bring her back to us. You won't have much sleep in the coming months."

"I'm okay with that." She smiled, closing her eyes. Already I was wondering how I would leave them behind during the tour. Being a world away from my girls. For now I just had to get them home. I grabbed my phone, fumbling around for a moment before sending Ronnie a picture of the lyrics.

B: Last song in progress
R: So it was a girl?
B: Alexandra Lilly Flowers
R: Can't wait to meet her
B: Better be excited for your god daughter
R: It will be an honor Brando. See you tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2023 ⏰

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